Chapter 1

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"It is beautiful, isn't it?" a deep, reverberating voice came from behind as a pair of cold arms wrapped themselves around a thin waist, pulling her back against a strong body as cold breath caressed her right ear and neck. "The death of a planet - of a whole galaxy - and we are here to enjoy it."

A sigh escaped full, lush lips as a kiss was pressed against the sensitive skin of her neck and he raised his right arm to entwine his fingers in thick locks which he knew were darker than sin, head resting back against a strong shoulder.

Safe within the darkness of the Void, they were watching the last seconds of the Milky Way Galaxy. The Sun has expanded and it was engulfing one planet after the other. Earth's surface was void of water. It's atmosphere was no more.

Soon enough all that would remain of it will be the echoes of its images and sounds traveling through the endless silence of the Universe.

"It thrills me that I can share this with you, Mistress."

"How many times have I asked you to call me Iris, Death?" she asked as she relaxed within Death's strong hold, Death's nails scraping against the sensitive skin of her stomach through the silky material of her button up shirt.

"And how many times have I asked you to be mine, my Mistress?" Death answered with a question of his own, and Iris - the Mistress of Death - tilted her head to the side making Death raise his head to look in out-worldly viridian depths.

"I couldn't have been yours when I still belonged to the Earth, Death," she answered as she gazed into the black eyes of Death, enchanted for the millionth time by the handsome face so close to her.

"And now that you no longer belong to the Earth, my Mistress? Will your answer change?" Death asked as he loosened his hold on Iris and turned her around, warmth spreading over Death's body as his Master's deceivingly small hands settled on broad chest, fisting in the black tunic, while Death placed his own hands on Iris's hips, feeling the warmth of his Mistress spreading up his arms and into his body.

"What if it doesn't change? What if I ask you to wait for me for another 1 000 years?" Iris asked as she stared up in Death's eyes, and Death laughed quietly as he raised his right hand to caress Iris's soft cheek with the back of his fingers.

"As long as you do not give yourself to another I shall wait for you for all eternity. While I do belong to you, my Mistress, you also belong to me." He brushed his right hand through Iris's waist long hair and fisted it on the back of Iris's head. He tugged Iris's head back, his cold, thin lips hardly a breath away from those petal soft ones, and his Mistress melted against him, amazing eyes slipping closed as Death's left hand slid to the small of Iris's back, pressing his pelvis against Iris's vagina and making the smaller Woman feel Death's arousal. "Anyone else would have claimed the rights of the Mistress of Death centuries ago, but not you," he murmured against Iris's lips feeling her tremble.

"Death," Iris breathed out as Death trailed his lips down Iris's chin and to her neck in a whisper of a caress, right hand holding Iris's head tilted back and left pressing Iris close to his body while Iris's hands flattened on Death's chest as though she wasn't sure if she wanted to pull Death close or push him away.

"I have watched you from the Darkness of the Void ever since you've accepted the powers of my Hallows, my Mistress. I've wanted you ever since I've first laid eyes upon you. Why do you deny me? Why will you not give yourself to me?" Death whispered as he pushed Iris's head up and rested his forehead against his Master's.

Iris swallowed difficultly as she let go of a long, wavering breath.

"Because I still don't know if you want me because I am your Master or because you see me."

A growl rumbled in Death's chest, and Iris shivered.

"Do you not feel that, my Mistress? I see you. I feel you. I know the deepest parts of your soul. How can I not want you? How can I not love you?" Iris swallowed difficultly, eyes opening and looking deep in Death's terrifying, passion and desire filled orbs of darkest obsidian, "What do I need to do to prove to you that I want you because of who you are and not because of your title as my Mistress? I do not desire freedom. I do not wish for you to set me free. All I want is you."

"I don't know," Iris answered, not looking away from Death's eyes as those void-like orbs filled with confusion. "I don't know how to go on. I know that I," she hesitated and tried to look away, but Death took a hold of Iris's chin with his right thumb and index finger and made Iris look back at him.

"What, my Mistress? What do you know?" Death asked, feeling as though his ancient heart would burst as he stared in his Mistress's beautiful eyes.

"I've lived a long life, Death," Iris whispered. "I've walked the Earth until the last creature on it succumbed to its mortality. I never approached anyone because I couldn't allow myself to care only to lose them to your touch. I don't know if I can - if I can love."

Death let go of the breath he was holding. He wanted to contradict his Mistress. He wanted to tell her that her heart was pure and full of love despite everything she lived through, but he knew that his humble, beautiful Mistress wouldn't believe him.

He would have to show him.

"Alright, my Mistress," he whispered. "I shall prove to you that not only are you capable of loving, but that I know you and love you for who you are and not because you own me." Iris's eyes widened as a loving smile tilted Death's lips, and Death wrapped his left arm around Iris's waist, pulling him as close as he could go. "And I promise you, my beloved Mistress; before the last night of the moon cycle is past, you shall be mine."

And with that said, Death sealed his lips over Iris's, and the witch's mind went blank.

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