Chapter 3

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Iris could hardly breathe through the unexplainable feelings surging through her body fighting back tears which wanted to trail down pale cheeks.

"Now," Death slowly stepped back, clasped his hands behind his back and bowed at Iris who was still trying to wrap his mind around everything, "Since we don't exactly belong in this dimension, I have taken the liberty of creating backgrounds for the both of us. You shall be known as Selena Campbell, an orphan Lady from Scotland. You will be a teacher of Defense here at Hogwarts and I am your lowly butler," the most powerful creature in the universe bowed at Iris deeply, a teasing smirk tilting thin lips as black eyes stayed connected to wide emerald ones even through the bow. "You may call me Luka Meremoth, Mistress."

"I - I don't..." Iris stuttered out only to snap her mouth shut and look at the door with an expression of horror when three sharp knocks resonated through the strained silence. She looked at Death when the Horseman snapped his fingers and Iris was suddenly dressed in black robes, long hair falling in a thick braid down her back while Death - Luka - stood there wearing black dress pants over a pair of dragon hide boots, and a simple white button up shirt with an unbuttoned vest over it, smiling reassuringly at the Mistress of Death.

"Enter!" Luka called out and stepped over to stand in front of Iris - Selena, she reminded herself, not knowing what else to do but go along with all of it hoping she wouldn't mess up too much - and pretended to fix Selena's collar. "Really, young Mistress, after all these years you still don't know how to properly arrange your tie," Luka chastised gently as the door opened and in walked Minerva McGonagall, looking at the two of them with her usual hard stare.

Selena's throat closed off and her mouth went dry, and he had to fight with every piece of her being against the need to run over and hug the strict witch, reminding herself that these people didn't know him.

"Good morning, Ms. Campbell!" she greeted briskly, cocking an eyebrow when Luka bowed at her while Selena simply nodded. "If you would come with me? Breakfast will start soon and you need to be at the teachers' table."

"Lead the way, Mádam," Selena nodded at her and she walked out of the room briskly, Selena and Luka following close behind.

"You shall find your schedule on your desk in your classroom. I shall show you the way there after breakfast. I do believe that you know the Hogwarts system. We grade our students on tests, seminars and practice throughout the year, but they receive their grade based upon the final exams. When their achievements deserve praise we award points to their house, and when they don't we dock them. The students are separated in..."

"Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff Houses," Selena cut her off and Minerva glanced at her over her shoulder, finding the witch smiling at her, the butler smirking at the witch from where he walked a step behind Selena. "I do know where I came to teach, Professor. Just because I was home schooled doesn't mean that I am not familiar with Hogwarts' system."

The right corner of Minerva's lips tilted up a bit as the three stopped while the witch took Selena in, and a moment later she nodded approvingly. "Come along now," she hurried forward, "we don't want to be late for breakfast."

Selena took a deep breath glancing at Luka who placed a hand on Selena shoulder, smiling at her reassuringly before both of them followed after Minerva.

"Everything will be alright, young Mistress," Luka whispered so only Selena could hear him. "Just remember, I am always beside you."

Selena's heartbeat stuttered for a second, although she didn't know if it was because of Luka's words or the fact that they were walking through Hogwarts. The last time Selena had seen the castle it was still being rebuilt after the war. Knowing what the war turned her into and what that meant, Selena ran away from the Wizarding World, unable to stay there knowing that even those people who had survived the war would grow old and die while she would stay forever young.

She traveled the world ever since then, never staying in one place for long in fear of getting attached. She watched the world change from the sidelines, suffering a heartache nothing could ease.

Only the quiet presence of Death in the back of her mind, his rare visits in Selena's dreams kept her going. For centuries she has had only Death for company, more often than not avoiding even that after the first time Death asked her to be his.

She couldn't.

She couldn't give herself to Death because she knew - she simply knew that the only reason Death wanted her was because she was the Mistress of Death. Selena knew that she was nothing. She knew that she was just a powerful witch who knew nothing about loving someone, about being loved.

She knew that she couldn't give Death what the Horseman wanted, but no matter how many times Selena offered - begged even - Death wouldn't tell her how to break the most powerful creature in all of creation out of his chains. If Selena only knew that, she would be able to set Death free. Luka would be able to do whatever he wanted, go wherever he wanted to go and find someone who would be able to give him what Luka wanted, because Selena was convinced that she wasn't the right woman for that.

Selena's trail of thought was broken when they walked into the Great Hall, empty sans the professors already sitting at their table, and only Luka's hand on Selena's right shoulder stopped the raven haired man from collapsing or running out of the room at the sight of familiar faces at the table furthest away form them.

James and Lilly Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, Albus Dumbledore and Hagrid. Madam Pomphrey and Severus Snape.

They were all alive and they were all staring at her with various expressions of curiosity.

"Let's go, young Mistress," Luka whispered to Selena, and the Mistress of Death continued walking forward hoping her expression wasn't showing what she was feeling.

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