Chapter 2

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Iris woke up to the sounds of birds chirping outside the window and sun rays breaking through loosely pulled curtains facing the bed. A frown of confusion marred beautiful features, and Iris slowly got out of bed, looking around in search of anything that would tell her what had happened and where she was.

Knocking on the door made her spin on her heel, and a tongue peaked out to wet dry lips before the witch swallowed, magic gathering at the tips of her fingers, ready to attack and defend in a moment's notice.

"Come in," she spoke, voice strained and wavering, only for her to freeze in shock when the door opened to let in the man who started all of this. "Death?" she breathed out, instantly moving forward to stand in front of the immeasurably old creature she was Mistress of. "What is this? What have you done?"

"Now, now, Mistress," Death soothed with a smirk and a bow of his head, "I promised something to you, and you do know that I always keep my promises."

Iris took a wary step back, looking around the room, not really comprehending how all of this had anything to do with Death proving to him that he loved her for who she was. Looking at the stone walls a memory deep in the corners of her mind was stirred, and she looked at Death to find him smirking, looking pointedly at the window to Iris's left.

"Why don't you take a look outside? We don't have much time, but I think everything will be clear to you once you see where we are."

Iris swallowed audibly as she walked over to the window, trembling hands rising to take hold of the edges of dark green curtains to slowly pull them apart. The moment she looked outside she stopped breathing, heart clenching and knees going weak.

They were in a room high, high up watching over a forest spreading out into the distance, and just to the right of the amazing view was a familiar Quidditch Pitch.

Iris spun on her heel and looked at Death with eyes full of questions.

Death chuckled and walked over to stand in front of Iris, cupping one pale cheek with a tender hand.

"You've asked me to show you that I love you, that I know you," Death whispered lovingly, "and this is how I answer you. In this world, this dimension, Voldemort never rose to power. Your parents never died. You've never suffered. You have siblings and friends, a family. Everything you have ever wanted."

"Death," tears filled Iris's eyes and a tender smile tilted Death's lips. "What have you..."

"I cannot change the course of destiny. I cannot give you what you've never had. But I can give you this chance to see it all. I can give you the chance to meet your parents, to see yourself as you would have been have you had everything that you've ever desired, and prove to you that your heart is pure, and innocent, and loving despite everything you've lived through. In this way, I can prove to you that I know your heart, because despite everything you've had and didn't have you shall always - in any world, any timeline, any dimension - be my loving, perfect Mistress."

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