Meeting the brother

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Third Person's POV:

It was a normal day. Or in this case a regular day for the Ross family. Everyone was in the movie room chilling until they heard the elevator ding.

"Hello...Is anyone here?" They heard a voice call out. Everyone looked at each other confused. "I'm looking for Y/n L/n" The voice said.

"What do they want with Y/n" Zuri asked. They all looked at Y/n she just shrugged before getting up. 

"Y/n don-""I got it just give me a second" Y/n said before pulling a taser from her back pocket. Luke was shocked he didn't even know she had it.

"Can I help you?" Y/n asked as she walked in the living room. "Y/n!" A little boy said before hugging her. 

"Danny but how?" Y/n asked. "Hello Y/n. Your brother Danny was given up for adoption but he wouldn't let any parents adopt him. We eventually found out he had a sister and find the best way to help him" The social worker said.

"Ma'am I would love to but I live with a family already" Y/n said. "I don't wanna go back Y/n" Her brother said.

Y/n looked at him sadden before the social worked spoke up. "We've contacted your father. Your house is being worked on now. Your brother is moving there. In a month or two. Could he stay here until then?" The social worker asked.

Y/n was going to speak but looked back at the others. They all nodded even Bertram. "Yes but where is the house located?"Y/n asked.

"A block away very close" The social worker said. Y/n thought before speaking up. "Is it possible I could move there too. Just because he's my brother and so young" Y/n said.

"Of course. Sorry to drop all this on you so suddenly. I'll get his bag" The social worker said before leaving.

Danny held onto Y/n leg. "Y/n" Luke said catching her attention. "I'm sorry this all happened today. Don't worry Danny is my responsibility. I'll do what-"

"You're apart of our family Y/n which only means Danny is too" Emma said. "Yeah plus i'll have a play buddy" Zuri said.

"We can find out if he likes reptilians" Ravi said. "He can be my model for clothes" Emma said. "He can be my video game buddy" Luke said.

"He can even help me bake" Bertram said. Y/n smiled. "Thanks guys" She said. "Of course Y/n you do a lot for us" Jessie said.

"Come on little guy we're nice we don't bite...sometimes" Luke said then winked at Y/n causing her to roll her eyes.

Danny looked at Y/n who nodded. Danny then let go of Y/n and walked slowly to Luke who had his hand out for a high five.

Danny high fived him and Y/n smiled.


"Luke stop you cannot use him for your cannonball!" Y/n said chasing Luke around the house who was carry Danny over his shoulder.

"It's just off the terrace he'll have protective gear!" Luke said. Y/n grabbed a paintball gun and shot Luke in his back. 

"AHH" Luke said. Y/n grabbed Danny


"I think it's cute" Luke said. "Cute? It's adorable he looks like a tiny baby lion" Zuri said. "I did amazing. I just wanna squish his cheeks" Emma said.

Y/n walked in the room. She saw Danny in a lion costume. "Rawr" Danny said. "Awww" Y/n said.

"Aren't you the cutest" Y/n said before kissing all over his face.

"Do I have to dress like that to get that?" Luke asked. 


"Zuri have you seen-" Y/n stopped herself when she saw Zuri and Danny on Danny's bed.

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