Chapter 3

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Ciara's POV:

"Wait wait so James isn't your really dad and some guy called Leonardo is and not just that he's apart of the mafia" She says and I nod. So I know I wasn't supposed to tell anyone but Mia is my best friend she know everything and we tell each other everything and I mean everything.

"What the actual fuck" she's says "yea I know right" I say. "And your mom never told you" She says and I shake my head no. "I mean are you ok with this, with everything your already going through are you ok with all of this" She says. "Yea I will be fine" I say. "You sure" She asks and I nod. "So what are we going to be for Halloween" She asks. "O I know we could be bunny's" she says. "No we were that last year" I say "what about Pirates" I add. "No" she says "angel and Devil" She suggests. "To basic" I say.

"What about robbers" She says. "Mhm sure" I say. "No lets just be pirates" she says and I smile "Ok" I say.


"Ok bye see you tomorrow" I says "ok and I'm picking you up on Sunday so we can get ready for the party here" She reply's and I get out the car and start walking back to the house. "Hey your back" Jayden says "Yea" I reply. "Ok I'm going sleep Goodnight" He says and walks of. I go to my room and lay on the bed.

*Next day*

I wake up to someone shaking me. I open my eyes and see a Blonde with curly hair waking me up. "What" I say. "Wake up you have to start training" He says. "What?" I say. "Get ready and meet me in the gym" He says and leaves. Fucking hell.  I grab my phone and see it's 5am. "Bloody hell" I say and get up.

I walk in my bathroom and start getting dressed. I put on some leggings with a sports bra and a hoodie. I put on some trainers and head downstairs. I grab an apple and start eating it as I enter the gym. "HEY your the one who threatened me" I say. "Sorry bout that" He says. "Ok" I say and walk up to him. "Show me what you got first" He says.

You see I'm not going to say I'm really good at fighting but I can beat a bit h up any day. I throw a punch and he catches it. I go for a kick and he grabs my leg. Son of a bitch. "First of all don't look at where your going to punch" He says throwing my arm "And second aim for the neck of nose" He adds and throws my leg.


Me and Carl train almost the whole day it's now 11:45am ok maybe not the whole day. "Ok now we are going to move into weapons" He says. I grab a knife "how many are we allowed to pick" I ask "three" Carl answers. I then pick up a bow and arrow then a gun. "Ok done" I say. "Let's go practices" he says and leans me outside.

I grab the bow and arrow and I aim for the red circle in the middle. When I was five I used to do archery until I was 15. I lets go and it hits the circle in the middle "nice" he says "have you ever done this" he adds "yes" I answer. "Ok do a bit more then we are moving onto the knife" he says and goes sit down.


We are now in a basement I think. And I doing knife tricks. "Ok to throw it you hold it like this and then you use your upper part of the body and you just go for it" Carl explains. I do as he says and I throw the knife "not bad" he says.


Last but not least gun. Now this I have used once of twice but I never actually got a lesson if this. "Place your fingers here and then click the safety of and don't close one eye and shoot" he says and I shoot the three bottles. As he was about to say something else someone walked in. "Carl who's this" Someone says and I turn around. This man has green eyes he had muscle and he had blonde hair with some white strips. "Hi Mr.Kingston this is Ciara" he says "I'm your daughter apparently" I add. "Hi I'm Ciara you must be Leonardo my father" I say.

"I'm not your Father I only have one child" Leonardo says. Then Jayden walks in. "Hi Father I see you meet Ciara" he says. "Care to explain what's going on" Leonardo says. "Well I did some digging and found out you had a daughter so I tracked her down and asked Carl to Take her so I can meet her and we can have more members in our Mafia" Jayden explains. "Daughter from where" he says. "Remember A person you married called Elizabeth who went "missing" well she didn't go missing she ran way and got married her new name is Mary Evans and she had a daughter when she ran away" Jayden says.

"Wait so your Elizabeth Daughter" He says and I nod. "Yea I guess" I say. "Oh and she's coming to The Mafia Ball" Jayden says. "Ok" James says and walks of. Well he wasn't what I expected. I get back to training.


It's currently 21:17pm and I'm laying in my bed on call with Mia. "So I changed my mind can we be devils or angel and Devils" she says and I chuckle. "Yea sure" I say. "Ok I will pick you up at 19:30pm ok so we can get ready for the party" she says and I nod. 


Im in my room watching a movie and my eyes start closing. Then I fall asleep.

Hi hope your enjoying the book so far. Will be publishing more soon. Lots of love M❤️

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