Chapter 17

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Ciara's POV:

Me and Lexi have just finished watching all the conjuring movie and it's now 02:24am. "We should go sleep" I say. "Wanna pull an all nighter" She says and I smile. "Of course" I sat. We sound like 10 year olds that are having a sleepover. "Wanna make cookies" I say and see nods.

We go to the kitchen and start getting out the ingredients. "Ok so first add the butter" I say. "No it's the egged first" she says. "Are you dumb it's the Butter" I say. "No it's not" she argues.

"Shut up" I say "step aside" I add. I add the butter then the sugar. "Your very bossy" she say. "If you just put the butter in and didn't argue with me I wouldn't be bossy" I tell her.


We just finish the cookies and now we are back in the living. "Lets sing" she says. "Only if we can sing let it go first" I say. "I love and hate that song lets sing it" she says and see puts it on. "Let it go" I sing "let it go" we both sing.


It's currently 03:16am and we are dancing. "This is not normal" I say. "Your right I never had this much energy before" she says. "I know right" I say.


"Let's dance" She says and she puts on a song and we dance to it.


I close my eyes for a second and I'm gone. I have officially lost I feel asleep.

*later that day*

"Oh shit" I say as I wake up. "Wake up" I try to wake up Lexi. "Wake upppp" I yell and she wakes up. "fottuta puttana che sembri una testa di patata cagna" she says. "Woah I don't know what you just said but I know it was insulting" I say

"Sorry I just don't like being woken up by" she says. "But your mum" I say "so this Princess needs her beauty sleep" she says.

"Ok anyways what time is it" I say then I smile. I get up and run to Domenico's office and grab my phone then run back down. "What was that about" she says. "Domenico let me have my phone back let's order pizza" I say.

"You paying right" she say and I nod. "Then he'll yea" she says and I call the pizza place. "Can we get two large pepperoni pizza with two chips please" I say. "And some chicken wings please" I add. "No that's it that you" I say and then hinge up.


The pizza get here and we start eating "pizza for breakfast is the best" she says. "It's 19:56pm" I say. "So" she say and I laugh. We carry on eating our pizza and once we finished our pizza we went to the living room. "Wanna explore the house" I say. "Oh yes I never did that" she says and we walk around.


"No way" I say. "Yes why" she says and we look at each other and burst out laughing. It was a room with some alcohol a chair and a stripper pole. "Wanna try" she says "you read my mind" I say and we go on the poll. "Wait wait I will be back" Lexi says.

Not long after she comes back with some money. "Dance for me bestie" she says with a laugh. She start recording and I start dancing on the pole and see throws the money. "Yasss bitch" she hypes me up. "Work it girl" she adds. "Ok your turn" I say and so goes on. I grab all the money from the floor and start throwing it to her.

We both laugh and carry on.


We sit on a chair "well that was fun" I say. "I still can't believe my brother even made this room" she says. "I can" I say and laugh. "Ok I'm gonna make dinner keep me company please" I say and she nods. "Also send me the video you took of me" I ask her. "Ok" she says.

"Wait what happened to Emilio and Enzo" I say. "They left long time" she answers. "Rude didn't even say bye" I say.

"Never mind I'm not making dinner we still have some pizza left" I say and start eating the pizza. "Wanna play a game" she says. "You sound like the doll what's his name again" I say. "Oh I know what your talking about I forgot it's name to" she says.

"Anyways do you or not" she says. "Ok" I reply.


Ok so we are playing a game that I think we made up I don't know. So we have to ask questions to each other and if you don't wanna answer it you have to drink. "Ok my turn" she says. "Do you find my brother Attractive" she says. "Which one" I say "Domenico" she reply's. "Yes" I say.

"Ok" she says. "My turn" I say. "Have you ever given head in public" I say and she drinks "miss gurl" I say and she chuckles.

"Would you ever fuck Domenico" she says and I drink. "Ahhh do you have a crush on him" she says. "Only one question" I say with a smile. "You totally do" she say.


"Let's watch a movie" I say and she nods. It start raining and I look at her. "Or we can dance in the rain" I say and see nods. We go to the back garden and we start dancing. "This is so much fun" I say. "I know right" she reply's.

"I feel so free" I say and I run around. "I love the rain" Lexi says. "Same" I say and I jump around.


We both took a shower and put new pjs and now we are gonna watch a movie and probably go sleep.

Thank you for voting and the support. Lots of love M❤️

Forbidden LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora