Chapter 30

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Ciara's POV:

*2 weeks later*

I wake up and I feel sick. I get up and run to the bathroom and I sit down on the fall and throw up. I start vomiting more and Nico walks in. He rushes up to me and hold my hair back. "You ok Baby" he says and I look at him. "Do I look fuc-"I say but vomit again. "King ok" I finish my sentence. I finish throwing up and I get up.

"Its three in the morning" he says abs I wash my mouth. Nico holds me and places me on bed. I fall asleep again.


I wake up and I see it's 9am. I look at Nico and I cuddle him. Soon after he wakes up and starts stroking my hair. "Good morning Principessa" he says and I look up and smile at him. "Morning" I say.

I get up and start getting ready. "I'm going to Mia's house" I say as I brush my teeth. I finish brushing my teeth then I get in the shower.


I'm downstairs in the kitchen on my phone. I'm wearing grey joggers with crops long sleeve black shirt with trainers. I walk to the front door and ask one of the guards to take me to mias house.


We arrive and I get out. I walk in her apartment and I see her on her couch. "Heyy" I say with a smile smile. "Heyyy" she says and gets up. She hugs me. "We need to talk" I say. "What's up" she says. "So Um I need to do a pregnancy test" I say. She widens her eyes "I got some in my bathroom take one" she says.

I nod and I go in her bathroom. She comes in with me. I take one out and I pee on it. "Ok so now we wait 5 minutes " She says.

I walk up and down the room. "I mean I can't be pregnant we have been only dating for 4 weeks" I say "yea I know him for 3 months but still I barely know him" I say. "Calm down Ciara your not pregnant" she says. "Like I'm only 19" I say and I rub my head.


It's been 10 minutes and I still haven't looked. "Ciara oh my dash just look" she says. "Ok fine" I say and look. "Oh shit" I say and I faint.


I wake up and I see white lights. "I'm in ducking heaven" I say. "Amore" I hear Nico say and he kisses me. "What happened" I say. "Your friend Maya Mia I don't know said you fainted" he says abs then I remember the results of the pregnancy test. "Shit Shit Shit" I say. "What's wrong amore" he says.

Then the doctor walks in. "Shit no no no" I say. "Ok so she's fine and the b-"the doctor says and I look at him and mouth him no. Nico looks at him and I start doing hand signals for him not to say anything. "Uh um the baby is fine" he says and sigh.

"DO YOU NOT KNOW HIW TO READ LIPS" I say "and do you not know hand signals for fuck sakes you mush be one dumb doctor" I say and Domenico looks at me. "Your fucking pregnant" he says and smile. "Surprise" I say with jazz hands.

"Ciara I'm not ready to be a father" he says and starts walking up and down. "I know I'm not ready to be a mother either but I am not getting an abortion" I say. "I don't want you to get one but Ciara" he says and rubs his head.

"I-I will be back" he says and walks off.


It's been an hour. I'm still at the hospital and Nico still hasn't came back. "Fuck" I say. I knew he would leave. Fuck I'm so dumb. He just wanted me for sex. He doesn't really love me all he did was use me. Fuck this I'm leaving but I'm not going to stay in this city anymore.

I go to the bathroom I grab a pair of scissors and cut my hair. Not the best. If I'm leaving I gotta disguise myself. I get out and grab some clothes and swap it for someone else. I dress up and I leave the hospital.


I sneak in Domenico's house. I go to the room and he's not there. Good. I start packing and then I go to his office. I grab some money. Well shit he's a player and I'm a thief. I grab 2 million dollars and before I could leave I hear the front door open. "CIARA" he shouts. Shit that's my Sign to leave. I sneak out and I start walking.


"Ok bye" I say and I tear up. "You know what your not going anywhere without me" Mia says and grabs a bag. "I'm going with you" she says and I smile. "You can't" I say. "No Ciara we are going together I'm your best friend for a long time" she says. "I'm not just gonna let you leave" she says starting to cry. "Fine but you can't have your number card he can track it" I say and she leaves her phone.

We get out and go to the airport.


Me and Mia got an airplane to France....

Hey I hope you guys enjoyed the book. Thank you for the votes and support. I thank you all for taking your time reading my book. I know the end was shitty sorry. I will be making more books so this isn't going to be my last book. lot of love M❤️

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