Chapter 1

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Hobi's POV:

"Face it, Hobi." My boyfriend, Jack, says in a passive aggressive tone. "You need me more than I need you." I give a small huff.

"Bye." I reply as I turn around and leave the diner. Jack throws out a few choice words as the door closes behind me.


That evening, I reflected on the events that had just taken place. How Jack and I were enjoying an afternoon date when this nineteen year old comes over and starts questioning who I am and why I'm calling Jack 'babe.' The argument that took place not long after and finally, the words, 'you need me more than I need you' being spoken and the final breaking point for me.

This is the basic story of how all my relationships go. I meet someone I like. They're sweet and loving for about a month and then the cheating begins. I'm sick of it all, practically numb to it even.

"Not now, Mickey." I say softly as my dog paws at my leg. "Down boy." With a look of dejection, Mickey turns to walk over to his bed, staring at me with sad eyes.


Suga's POV:

As I walk slowly up the stairs, I can hear the moans getting louder. Tears began to fall down my cheeks as the reality of being cheated on hits hard. I cover my mouth to hide a gasp as I open the bedroom door, revealing my husband on top of a woman. He suddenly stops as he notices me, jumping of her as he tried to cover himself with the sheets.

"Suga, wait!" He began, but I was already halfway down the hall. I grabbed our son, rushing out of the house fast as I could. "Well, if you weren't such a stuck up prick, I wouldn't have to go fuck someone else!" I slammed the front door, rushing back to my car and settling in the toddler just before starting the engine and driving off, our son still crying in the back seat.


"What can I get for ya?" the waitress asks as she comes back up to the table.

"Just some coffee for me." I reply, faking a smile. "And he'll have-"

"I want pancakes." Daehyun blurts out in his cheery toddler tone.

"Pancakes and bacon for the kid."

"Okay, anything to drink?" She asks. Daehyun thinks for a moment.

"Milk." He replies happily.

"Awe, comin' right up." The waitress says as she turns to walk away. "He's a cutie."

"And so, I was like, you better know how you're gonna treat me before you come at me." Oh great...teenagers... "Otherwise get the fuck outta here."

"Excuse me," I began, trying to be respectful. The girl turns and gives me a snobby look. "Could you try and reframe from the cursing? My son is only three and I don't want him to start saying those kinds of words."

"Oh, fuck off." The girl replies.

"Eunjoo, he asked you nicely." Her friend said in an annoyed tone. "I'm sorry about her. She's going through a hard time."

"Minji!" Eunjoo says angrily.

"We'll try to keep it down, sir." Minji's voice had an apologetic tone.

"Thank you." I reply.

"Papa," Daehyun began as the girls walked away. "Papa, what does fock mean?" I am SO glad he didn't say it correctly.

"I'll tell you when you're older, kiddo."


Hobi's POV:

"Man, that's fucked up." Namjoon says as he shakes his head slowly. "How are you feeling?"

"Numb." I reply blankly. "It's happened so many times, that I've just become used to it. They act all nice and the next thing I know, it's wham, bam, thank you sir."

"Because you always fall for the wrong guys, Hobi." Jin says as he hands me a can of Sprite. "The guys you always fall for only want you for sex and it breaks my heart seeing you like this."

"Jin hyung, I know you're trying to help, but it's not working." I say just before taking a sip of the carbonated drink.

"Don't give up on love, is all I'm saying, Hobi." Jin said reassuringly. "You'll find him."

"Yeah, straight with three kids and a wife." Ireply before taking another sip.

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