Chapter 4

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Suga's POV:

As I sat nervously, I start to think about how I wanted things to play out today.

"Awh, you lost!" Hobi says arrogantly.

"Only because I let you win." I reply playfully.

"Admit it, Suga, you lost."

"Shut up and kiss me, Hobi." Hobi smiles as he leans in for a kiss, gripping the back of my neck as he presses his soft lips gently against my own. He breaks the kiss after a moment, but only to whisper sweet nothings in my ear.

My thoughts were soon interrupted by the doorbell ringing. I jump up anxiously and open it, looking out the peep hole beforehand.

"Hey," Hobi began as he held up video game cases. "I brought some different ones, I figured you could pick."

"Come in!" I reply as I step aside. "If you want a snack, I baked chocolate chip cookies."

"Is that why it smells so good in here?"

"Yeah, they should be cool enough to eat by now." I say as I go into the kitchen, grabbing a couple cookies off the baking rack and handing one to Hobi. He takes a bite and immediately melts at the taste.

"Oh my God." He says as he continues to chew. "These are really good!" I smile widely.

"Thanks, my grandmother's recipe."

"Your grandma was on to something." He says as he takes another bite. "Do you even want to play video games?"

"Not really."

"Wanna just hang and talk?" Hobi asks. "Cause I really don't either."

"Yeah, sure." I reply nervously. Hobi smiles warmly.

"So, what do you like to do?"

"I tend to do a lot of stuff with my son, mostly." I reply as I plate the cookies, putting them down on the table as I sit. Hobi takes a seat next to me as I motion to the plate as if to say it's fine to take another. "We go to the park a lot. He likes going to pet stores to look at the fish. I'm saving up to take him to the aquarium, soon."

"Awe," Hobi says softly. "Do you guys have any pets of your own?"

"No." I reply shaking my head. "Yu-Kwan never liked cats and he's allergic to dogs. There was very little room for a proper aquarium and I'm not about to stick a fish in a bowl."

"Are you okay with Daehyun having a pet?" Hobi asked. I look at him, confused and now questioning why he's being so nice. "I have a whole bunch of different goldfish I need to find homes for."

"How, if you don't mind me did you end up with them?"

"Different places." Hobi replies with a shrug. "I have one personal pet fish, the rest are rescues."

"You rescue goldfish?"

"Yeah." Hobi says, slightly embarrassed. "I find a lot of them in dumpsters behind pet stores. Perfectly healthy fish, just tossed out like garbage."

"That's sick." I say as I reach for a cookie.

"It really is. And it's not just goldfish, either. Sometimes you find baby reptiles in the dumpsters. I have a friend who rescues when I find them, they go to her."

"That's really sweet of you, Hobi." I say as he takes a cookie off the plate.

"Someone's gotta do it." He says before taking a bite. "But enough about that. What do you do?"

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