Chapter 10

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Suga's POV:

It's been three years since I met Hobi. And today is our wedding day.

"You nervous?" Jungkook asks as he stands in the doorway.

"Yes." I reply. "Very."

"Don't be. When Taehyung and I got married, I was scared shitless. But then I saw him standing at the altar and I cried. I cried because I knew everything would be okay."

"I'm ready." I say as I take a deep breath. "I think."

"Hobi's gonna be so happy." With that, Jungkook and I leave the room, I grabbed the bouquet of white roses sitting on the table. As I walk up to the altar, everyone stood up. I could hear whispers of 'wow he looks amazing' and 'I'm proud of them.'

"You look beautiful." Hobi says as he smiles at me. A light blush forms across my cheeks.

"Dearly beloved..." The preacher says as everyone sits back down.


As the music began to play, Hobi and I danced. Our fingers interlocked as he and I spun around, the rest of our friends and family joining in.

"Papa," Daehyun began. "There's this girl I wanna dance with, but I don't know how to ask her."

"Just walk up to her, hold out your hand and ask if you can have this dance." I reply as I knelt down to meet my now seven year old son's eye level.

"Thanks papa." He replies before rushing off to go meet the girl. I can't help a smile.

"This one's for the gorgeous newly married couple." Bella Donna says as the rest of Raised by Dolls change out their guitars for acoustic ones. As they began to play, I smiled at Hobi. "Let me be your first time, let me be your last. Celebrate your highs and lift you when you crash. The only name you breathe. Let me be let me be."

These past three years may have been a rollercoaster ride...what, with everything between us and Yu Kwan...but I know now that everything is going to be alright.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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