Chapter 6

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Hobi's POV:

I woke up to a shift at my side. Looking down, I see a sleeping Suga and can't hold back a smile.

"Hey," I began quietly, gently stroking his hair out of his face. "Suga, it's time to wake up."

"What time is it, anyways?" He asks as his words blur together. I lean forward and grab my phone, turning on the screen.

"It's seven thirty eight."

"Oh shit!" He shouts as he jumps up, rushing over to the coat rack and grabbing his jacket.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Daehyun's never been without me all night!" Suga says frantically. "Oh God, he must think I abandoned him, or something."

"Suga, deep breaths." I say as I stand up from the couch, walking over to him. "Just breathe. I'm sure he's okay. I know you need to go check up on him, I'm not stopping you, but when people get this worried before driving, it scares me."

"What? You think I'm gonna cause an accident?"

"This is how Jimin died." I reply as I feel myself break. "He was rushing back home, because his dog had been alone for a few extra days and the roads were slick. He crashed because he was worried about someone he loved." I grab hold of Suga's hands. "I don't want Daehyun to lose both his parents because you were worried. Please, deep breaths." Suga did as I asked of him, taking in as much air as his lungs could hold and letting it out slowly.

"Okay." He says after a moment. "Okay, I think I'm good."

"Thank you." I say through a soft smile. "Go, your son is waiting."

"I'll see you later."

"See ya. And be careful."

"I will." With that, Suga left the house, heading to his car.


Suga's POV:

"Papa!" Daehyun shouts as I come into the room. I pick him up, lifting him in the air as he laughs.

"I missed you, sweetie!" I say as I hold him close.

"I missed you, too, papa." He replies as he hugs my neck. "Unca Jin made sausage pancakes for breakfast."

"Ooh, did you save me some?"

"No." Daehyun laughs out.

"Oh darn!" I say playfully.

"We figured you already ate." Jin says as he walks in.

"No." I reply, putting Daehyun back down. "No, I had to leave too quickly. Had to check up on the little one."

"He did good." Jin said through a smile. "Only issue was in the middle of the night."

"What happened?" I ask.

"Nightmare." Jin replies as he looks at Daehyun. "He's okay now, though."

"Good, thank you."

"No problem." Jin smiles out. "Next time you need a babysitter, your worldwide handsome cousin is here." I give him a look of 'really...?'


Hobi's POV:

Suga: Hey, how are you?

I'm good, could be better. But overall, I'm good. You?

Suga: I'm doing great!

What's up?

Suga: I was wondering if you wanted to hang out again tonight? Myself and a few other people were gonna go see this local group at the Bronze Stallion again.

Raised by Dolls?

Suga: Yeah, they've also got another artist with them. RM's gonna be there, too.


Suga: Rap Monster. He said I could call him RM if it's easier.

Ah, Namjoon! Ok, I'll be there. What time does the show start?

Suga: 8:30.

Great! I'll see you guys then!

Suga: Ttyl.


"Crap!" I half shout as I realize I didn't do my laundry today. I rush to get some clothes together, hurrying down into the basement to wash them.


"Hey!" Suga says as he goes to hug me. "Guys, this is Hobi. Hobi, this is Taehyung, Jungkook and Lisa."

"Nice to finally meet you, Hobi." Jungkook said as he held out a hand. I take it, carefully shaking his hand as I politely smile at him.

"Suga's told us a lot about you." Lisa said through a softy smile.

"Nothing bad," Taehyung added. "I just thought I'd clarify."

"Come on guys, the show's about to start." Lisa said as she tugged on Taehyung's arm. As we made our way over to a table close to the stage, I could see Namjoon peeking out from behind the curtain, smiling as he waved to someone. Suddenly, the curtains flew open and out came Raised by Dolls, Rap Monster that Zico?

"What up?" Zico asked as the girls began grabbing their guitars, Phoenix sitting at the drums. "So, this first song is actually a tribute to someone very close to us. She recently passed because of pneumonia." I could see Rap Monster began to cry. "Keep in mind, this is not our original song, it's from a band called Escape the Fate. She loved them. This is for you, Stacy Anne." The music began to play and tears were clearly being shed by everyone on stage.

"You lived your life like you were on fire, but how could I dance? When your soul just lifted me higher and higher and higher. It bleeds, it grinds, image of your love. Your memory, our history. Why did you have to go?" Bella Donna sang out softly, just before Zico and Rap Monster join in.

"I'd give up my eyes, to see you one last time. And I'd give up my fingertips just to touch you. And I would paint you picture perfect, even if I were blinded. But you had to die for me to see how to live."


On the drive home, I noticed someone walking down the side of the road, quickly realizing it was Suga.

"Hey," I began as I rolled down the passenger's side window. "Need a ride?"

"Um..." He said as he looked over to me. "Hobi?"

"Yeah, did you need a ride home?"

"If you're okay with it, sure."

"Hop in." With that, I unlock the door, Suga opening it and sitting down.

"Thank you."

"It's no problem!" I smile out. "It's too cold to walk anyways, why were you even out walking?"

"I didn't expect it to get this cold yet."

"Well, I'm just glad I found you before you froze to death." I joked. Suga flashed a smile for a second. As I reach over to turn the heat up, I noticed he looked like he was about to cry. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He replies. "It's just...Yu Kwan and I used to take night drives all the time. Especially after Daehyun was born. It would always put him to sleep." I grabbed hold of his hand as he wiped away a few tears with the other.

"We can make new memories." I said softly. Suga looked up at me in confusion. "Suga, listen...I like you. A lot. And...I've been extremely nervous to ask you this, because of my dating history, but..." I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "Will you be my boyfriend?" I close my eyes tight as we sit at a stoplight, only to have my head turned towards Suga, who gently kissed my lips.

"I thought you'd never ask." He replies softly.I smiled at him as we drove off. Maybe this time will be different.

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