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~Snow White's 16th Birthday~

It was the day Snow White turned 16. She was so happy to see everyone, even her best friend Aurora. She wore her beautiful white and red dress she bought with red heels to match. She went into the ballroom to find Aurora but she wasn't there. She asks the three godmothers and they also haven't seen her. Then she asks her evil stepmother.

"Mother, have you seen Aurora?" Snow White asks.

"I haven't seen her. Maybe she didn't come." The Queen giggled. "Look, I'll send you with a knight to go find her, okay?"

"Thank you so much mother!"

Snow White left to greet the other guests as the Queen left to talk with a knight for her 'secret' plan. She then found one by the front entrance but it looked like he had fallen asleep. She woke him up and told him the plan. 

"Snow White is looking for Aurora but I send her to an evil castle and cast a spell on her to fall asleep forever." The Queen said as she did her little evil laugh. "So what I want you to do is go with Snow White into the forest and kill her. Then, go to the evil castle and kill Aurora. For proof both of them are dead, I want their blood."

"Yes your majesty." The knight bowed down and waited for Snow White. 

When Snow White came out of the front entrance, she saw a knight waiting for her. They both walk into the forest to find Aurora till Snow White hears a bullet being put into a gun. She turned around to see the knight holding a gun. 

"Please, don't kill me, I will run away from here and find Aurora myself." Snow White begged. "Just, don't shoot me."

"Okay, go child. Go find Aurora." The knight says with a slight smile on his face. 

"Thank you sir!" She says running away. 

The knight watches as the poor girl runs away as he has a frown on his face now. He then remembered what the Queen wanted so he killed some deers and took their blood and returned back to the Queen. 

Snow White overcame a castle that looked a thousand years old. She went inside and climbed some stairs to find Aurora on a bed fallen asleep. Snow White tried everything to wake her up but she didn't wake up. That is until a Prince showed up and gave Aurora a kiss on her lips. A true love's kiss. 

Aurora then woke up from her spell to see the Prince and Snow White. She was so glad to see her and her true love.

"Let's get back to the castle! We don't want to miss the ceremony." Aurora said cheerfully.

"About that, I think my mother wanted to kill us. I was looking for you in the forest with a knight and he was about to shoot me. I begged him not to kill me and he went back to the castle. I guess, I'm not allowed back there." Snow White says sadly. 

"Ms. White, I've kind of got lost on my way back home but I think you and Aurora should stay at a friend's house. Don't worry, they also have a room for me." The Prince says. 

"W-what? We can't do that please. It's fine."

"I insist, please? For me?"

Snow White and Aurora looked at each other and looked at the Prince as they accepted his offer. They all left the castle and got onto the sweet horse as they went to the Prince's friend's house.  

The Two Beautiful Queens | Snow White and The Sleeping BeautyWhere stories live. Discover now