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Snow White and Aurora have been good friends since childhood. But things took a twist when Snow White's evil stepmother came into play...

When it was Snow White's 16th Birthday, the evil Queen decided today was the day Snow White and Aurora won't be the fairest of them all.

Aurora was sent to a castle as Snow White was trying to find her best friend. She then found Aurora and a prince named Prince Phillips saved her.

Then Prince Phillips let them stay at a little cottage with seven dwarfs.

The Queen then decided to give Snow White and Aurora a poison apple to make sure they have fallen asleep for a 100 years.

She also transformed herself into an old lady as a disguise. Then she made the poison apples and gave them to Snow White and Aurora.

When they took their first bite into their apple, they insistently fell to the ground. It was too late when the seven dwarfs and Prince Phillips came back. So they decided to put poor Snow White and Aurora into glass coffins but there was a saver.

Another prince named Prince Ferinand was Prince Phillips's brother. He went up to Snow White's coffin and saw the poison apple in the bushes.

Prince Ferdinand heard of the spell and the only way to break it was a true love's kiss. When the two prince's kiss Snow White and Aurora, they both wake up.

Later that day, their wedding happened as the Queen showed up unexpectedly so Snow White, Aurora and the three godmothers, Flora, Fauna and Merryweather got together and put black hot iron heels to make the evil Queen fall to her death.

In the evening, the government declared that there will be two Queens of the country, Queen Snow White and Queen Aurora. Everybody celebrated for their two Queens, no, actually The Two Beautiful Queens. 


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