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They didn't invite the Queen but knew she was gonna show up. So, the three godmothers decided to put a pair of black hot iron shoes for the Queen to fall to her death as a punishment.

When the two brides were married, everyone started dancing and celebrating but the Queen wasn't happy at all. 

"The 'Two Beautiful Queens' of this country?! This is so ridiculous!" The Queen thought in frustration.

 While the Queen was dancing, she felt her feet get hot. She thought it's because she was on her feet too much so she decided to sit down and take a sip of champagne.

Snow White and Aurora watched as the Queen took a sip out of her champagne and spit it out.


"Oh mother, don't worry I'll get you another glass." Snow White says. 

"Please do my child. What is wrong with the servants these days?! Back in my castle, they don't do this to me or my guests!"

Everybody tried not to laugh at how the Queen was being so dramatic. Even they were whispering insults about her to the other guests. 

Snow White got her evil stepmother another glass and she again spit it out. She went to slap Snow White but she fell to the ground. 

"W-what's happening.. to.. Me.?" The Queen said her final words before she fainted. 

Everyone was shocked by what happened as the knights took her away to the local hospital. Later they broke the news that the Queen passed away. 

The government then declared that there's two new Queens of the country, Queen Snow White and Queen Aurora. Everybody jumped for joy and celebrated on the new two Queens. I guess there can be The Two Beautiful Queens.

The Two Beautiful Queens | Snow White and The Sleeping BeautyWhere stories live. Discover now