Part Thirteen

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Alina's POV;

Abi, Megan, and I are cooking in the kitchen as our significant others are out on the deck, we can see them through the open sliding doors as they goof off. We are cooking lunch and enjoying our last day here as we are leaving tomorrow morning.

Megan- Is Drew remembering anything yet?

Alina- Not that he's mentioned but something did happen earlier this week, I think he had a nightmare of the car crash... He said that he could hear the squeaking of the breaks and feel a pain throughout his body, but he hasn't talked about it since.

Abi- He hasn't said anything to me... However, the doctor did mention that most people in cases like his block out the trauma of the accidents. He said that that could also be why he doesn't remember the last two years, he could have locked away more memories then he meant too and just not know it.

The three of us look out towards the deck, I smile when I see him laughing as Toby and him play monkey in the middle with Vanessa.

Vanessa- You guys are jerks! *laughing*

Andrew turns and looks towards us but when he does the football hits him right and the head, my heart stops when I see him fall down.

Nobody's POV;

Everyone rushed to Andrews side as he lays on the deck seemingly to be passed out. Alina gabs his face lightly as she calls his name but got nothing in response. All of a sudden Vanessa, Toby, and Andrew all start laughing as Andrew stands up.

Toby- We so got all three of you!

The three of them were busting up laughing as the three woman stood there unamused. Tears streamed down Alina's face before she took off inside. Abi punches her brother in the arm and smacks her wife upside the head before she goes after Alina. Megan and Toby make dead on eye contact and two seconds later her takes off running and Megan chases him. She tackles him to the ground and starts beating his arm as he lays under her laughing.

Andrew- Are we in trouble?

Vanessa- Uhm..... I think soooo.

Andrew- Should I go after her...?

Vanessa- I'd wait until Abi comes back.

The two stand there a few moments until Abi comes in to view. She doesn't even give them a glance as she gets Megan. The two women go back inside to the kitchen to finish lunch, Andrew walks in but doesn't see Alina. He goes to their room to find her in the bathroom wiping off her mascara that has run down her cheeks. As he stands in the doorway of the bathroom he looks at her apologetically but he doesn't know what to say. Alina won't even look at him as she cleans her face, her heart is pounding out of her chest still. Seeing him drop like that scared her half to death and she couldn't understand why he would play like that. She doesn't understand why he would even risk it knowing full and well that the football did actually hit him in the head. Her breathing is still shaky as she finishes wiping all her makeup off. Andrew slowly comes towards her as Alina holds herself up using the counter, she drops her head down. She can't look at him right now and yet she wants to look at him to make sure he's real and to make sure he is okay. Andrew stands beside her looking at his hands as he awkwardly plays with them. He's not good at these things.

Andrew- I-I-I'm Sorry.....

He tried to touch her arm but she pulled away as tears started to slip from her eyes again. Andrew stayed there for a few more moments before deciding to leave her alone. He changed into his swim trunks and went and stood at the edge of the lake. His fingers tapped rapidly at his thighs and his heart pounding as he tried to force himself into the water. He had a horrible experience when he was a kid, he's always been terrified to swim and anytime he tries to he gets far enough in and he gets hit with a panic attack.

Andrew- You can do this.... no you can't.... yes..... maybe not.... shit!

Nobody was outside, Vanessa and Toby were in the kitchen with the other two women trying to get them to forgive them. Andrew wants to force himself into the water so he can feel what he imagines Alina is feelings right now. Without thinking he runs into the water submerging his whole body as he dives under. He doesn't try to swim he just allows his body to float. He makes sure to breathe and tries not to freak out. He floats on his back for about thirty minutes before getting out, he sits down in front of the water. His whole body is soaked and water drips from his hair and his beard. He allows the sun to dry him up a little bit before he walks into the lake house through the sliding doors. Everyone is in the kitchen including Alina and they all look at him in disbelief as he walks to the room. He takes a quick shower to get the lake water off of him and out of his hair and then he puts on a pair of boxers as he looks for his blue jeans. When he finally finds them he slips them on as the door opens. His back is facing the way of the door so he doesn't see who it is as he continues to get dressed but he figured it was Alina. Andrew goes back into the bathroom and combs his hair and his beard then he put on deodorant and his cologne. Alina comes and stands with her back to the wall behind him, she has changed into a black comfortable shirt and a pair of his sweatpants. Andrew turns around to face her, the love bites on her neck being very visible as the shirt is loose around the neck.

Alina- Why?... Why did you joke around like that?

Andrew- because... I don't know what else I'm supposed to do. Things have happened that I can't even remember so the only way I feel like I can deal with it is if I believe it's all some sick joke.

Andrew was just as shocked as Alina was at his response, he himself didn't know that's how he feels. He doesn't dare to look up at her and he doesn't want to make her cry anymore because her eyes are already puffy and they look like they hurt. Before either one of them can say anything else Megan come and gets them for lunch.


The whole group decides to go to bed early since they'll be leaving early in the morning, everything is still tense between all of them. However, two couples have made up while Andrew and Alina still hasn't found the right time to speak or even what to say. Alina's heart feels like it's in a million pieces thinking about what Andrew said. They lay in bed, both of them are restless as they find it hard to fall asleep while not in the others arms.

Alina- Promise me you will start telling me how you are feeling and that you will talk about it....

Andrew- ... I promise I'll try. Alina. I am really sorry that I scared you.

Alina- I forgive you just please don't scare me like that ever again.

Andrew- I won't.... Can I hold you now?

Alina- *chuckles* Please do.

Andrew pulls Alina into his arms and holds her tight as he never wants to let go. They fall asleep quickly.

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