Chapter 29: Talking And Yelling

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Naruto Pov

~Monday Morning~

Two days had pass since I slept over Sasuke's place and had my breakdown. Sasuke has to stay home another week because of the medicine that the doctor gave him while he was in the hospital. I made my way through the hallway, going to my locker before I made my way to the classroom. I sighed while walking. 'I wish Sasuke came to school today...It would be nice to have him back In class..' I sighed again and just kept on walking. I made it to my locker, then before I knew, I was almost knocked to the ground. "Naruto! Wassup bro? How was the sleepover?" I got my balance back and looked at him with a half smile. "It went great, but it did have it's ups and downs..." "What do you mean?" I opened my locker and started getting what I needed for class. "Well, for starters, Sai called..." I said looking at him. He looked confused and a little annoyed. "He called? Was it cause you were with Sasuke?" I nodded while shutting my locker. "Yup... He's never going to trust Sasuke or trust me being alone with Sasuke." He rolled his eyes then started walking to our homeroom.

I followed and we walked in silence, then: "What did he say?" "Nothing much really... just the same old thing, how he doesn't trust Sasuke and how I'm spending too much time with him." "Maybe if he wasn't so 'busy' he wouldn't have that problem..." He said still a little annoyed. Kiba...Sai is really getting to you huh. We made it to Homeroom early, so we put our things at our regular seats and went back to see everyone. "Hey Naruto, Hey Kiba." Everyone said. "Hey Guys." Me and Kiba said at the same time. I went to sit on the table when I heard my name being called by Sakura. "Hey Naruto, where's Sasuke? Wasn't he suppose to come back today?" I looked over at her with a smile while rubbing my neck. "Well, while he was still in the hospital, his doctor prescribe him new medication for him to take, so he wanted Sasuke to stay home for another week." She looked sad after I finished speaking. "Aww man, so we wont see him for another week?" Sakura said sadly. "Well, we can always drop by his place and hang there." Kiba said while he was looking at his phone smiling. I wonder if he's texting Sasuke. I sighed and went back to my seat.

I got to my desk and grabbed my bag to take out my sketchbook and a pencil. I opened it and found an empty page and started something random. 'I know Sasuke said that him and Kiba aren't a thing... but I wonder if Kiba likes Sasuke.' I thought while I just randomly drew. The bell rung and I stopped what I was doing. I looked up and saw Kakashi-Sensei getting ready for the class, I looked down to see what I made. As soon as I looked at it, I felt my face heat up. Oh my god, oh my god. I drew Sasuke's name! I quickly closed my sketchbook and put it away. 'Why the heck did I draw his name?! What was I thinking? I wasn't thinking at all, that's the problem.' I looked up to see that everyone was in their seats and getting ready for class. I turned over to see if Sai made it. I saw him sitting in his seat, paying attention to the teacher. 'He's here? How come he didnt come over and say hi?' I took my eyes off of him and went back to looking at the teacher.

After homeroom was done, we still have a couple of seconds before homeroom was actually done so I quickly got up from my seat and went over to Sai. I tapped his shoulder and he turned around, when he saw that he was me, he had a small smile. "Hey Naruto, how was your weekend?" I just looked at him like he was crazy. You go to be kidding me. "Are you kidding me?" I whispered to him. I grabbed his arm and pulled him the class so no one can hear us. "Sai... did you really just asked me that?" "What? What's the problem?" I gripped my hair up then ran them through my hair. I took a deep breath and looked back at him. "The problem is or was that phone call that we had." "Lets talk about this at lunch, its not the time and place, okay?" He said, kissed me on the cheeked and walked away. I just stood there. "I guess I'll wait until lunch..." I went back to my desk and grabbed my things. I said bye to the group, left the room and made my way to the next class.

New Year, New Love  SasuNaruDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora