11 - Reset

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I had been the judge for half a year, and I was eight years old. Being the judge was..difficult. I had learned early on that I would be hurting people who were bad, but I wasn't exactly sure what made people bad..King Asgore told me that I had to learn how to "read" people, whatever that meant. The old lady had helped me, though; she knew how to do a lot of stuff! In addition to being the judge, King Asgore had told me that it would be good for me to spend more time around people, to get to know them, and the old lady recommended that, too; I didn't like leaving my brother alone at the tent, but he was somewhat afraid of the town now..he was scared that he would be hurt again. Today, I left at ten o'clock to go into town, where I would stay until two, speak to the old lady, then return for another hour before going home to Papyrus; it was a simple routine, and the townspeople enjoyed seeing me. Upon reaching the town, I walked to the newly-opened restaurant that had been established about two months ago. A very nice monster that had come from Hotland had opened it, since he had noticed that Snowdin was very cold, and a warm restaurant would help! I had been helping him with things in my spare time.

"Good morning, Mr. Grillby!" I waved to the kind fire monster.

"Ah, Sans, you're just in time." He turned to me. "Would you please put the chairs on the floor?"

"Sure thing, Mr. Grillby!" 

I was used to this work, having visited Grillby every day, and I did it with care; he preferred his things to be handled delicately, since most of the chairs were very old, and some had even seen the surface! I liked to think about the surface; it was a pleasant pastime. I wondered if I would ever see it; I hoped I would. When the chairs were on the floor, Grillby thanked me for my time, and I asked if there was anything else that needed doing. In short, there were a lot of things, and I had my hands full in no time. The day passed swiftly, and I spoke with the old lady for about two hours before returning to town; she always had something amazing to speak about! Today, she told me about the stars; the hole in the Ruins was small, according to the old lady, but it had been a clear night last night, and she had been able to see some stars through it..they sounded like the most beautiful things ever. If we ever made it out of the Underground, I wouldn't sleep the first night; I would stay up and watch the stars all night..they sounded so breathtaking. When I finished my work, I returned to Papyrus.

"Sans!" He ran up to me and hugged me.

"Hey, little bro!" I hugged-

I was overcome by a weird feeling, and my sight turned to black..what was going on? I couldn't move..everything felt stiff. After a minute, my sight returned, and I was..in front of Grillby's..? 

"Apples, two G a pound!" A salesman shouted nearby. "Special, today only!"

I..I had heard that this morning. I decided to go inside the restaurant; perhaps Grillby was still open. I had wanted to get a snack for Papyrus before leaving today, but I had forgotten.

"Ah, Sans, you're just in time." Grillby..turned to me. "Would you please put the chairs on the floor?"

"..Didn't I already do that?" I wondered..had he put them back up?

"..Sans, you do it every morning. You did it yesterday, yes, but not today.."

"..Right. Sorry, I..I think I'm getting deja-vu or something." I..must have been.

"Ah, I see; it must be the repetition." Grillby came over and laid a hand on my shoulder. "And make sure you get enough sleep at night, okay?"

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