13 | down the aisle

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[ obligatory content warning: she gets graphic of the ☆︎spicynature at the end. i'll be the first to admit it's not as poetic and elegant as the spice in chapter four, but it's still nice i think.

enjoy the last full chapter, which will be followed by the end credit scene ]


"my beautiful, beautiful wife."


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"Wait, wait, wait. So what are these people again? Androids, aliens, or wizards?"

"I mean, that's a good question," Sam Wilson said, scratching the back of his head. "Not like wizards, but then again, they do have weird powers and I think that puts them into the wizard category on a technicality."

"But you said they're from space."

"Yeah, they're definitely from space. But also, given this new information, I guess they're robots from space?"

"You brought me to a wedding full of wizard android aliens," Bucky hissed, narrowing his eyes at Sam. "That's all of the big three."

"They're fine," Sam assured him, shrugging. He thought it best to keep the fact that Druig could control minds a secret given Bucky's traumatic past. "Well, Khaos is. I've never met the others, so maybe they aren't — but we've never seen them try to take over the world."

Bucky sighed heavily and rubbed his forehead with his metal arm. Then he froze, watching as a woman touched a bouquet of roses and lilies, the flowers shifting into gardenias and baby's-breath right before his very eyes.

Sersi heard him whisper "holy shit" under his breath and looked up at the super-soldier. She smiled awkwardly and gestured to the flowers. "Mixup with the florist. Figured it was better to just fix it myself instead of causing a fuss."

"Yeah, definitely not not wizards," Sam muttered, taking his seat.


"I can't believe you shoved me in a dress and forced me to be the flower girl," Sprite grumbled.

"You stabbed Sersi," Khaos said, as if Sprite needed reminding. "Speaking of stabbing, Thena, could you stop trying to gouge my eyeballs out with that thing?"

"Then stop moving," was all Thena said, continuing to apply a shimmering gold eyeshadow to Khaos's lids.

Sersi was meant to be the one to do Khaos's makeup — it would've gone quickly with her ability to change things. But something had come up with flowers and she rushed off to fix it.

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