-=Chapter IX 〰 Part IV=-

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Crystal and I had decided to gather supplies. The Fire Fey were burning down the forest and pouring gasoline into WaterLands. They were bloodthirsty.
"Where do we go?" Crystal asked cluelessly. I knew exactly where to go.
"Follow me. I am forbidden to murmur a breath of where we're going."
Crystal mumbled something behind her back, "Hopefully it won't get us killed." I hoped the same.
I guided her into the clouds above the Forest, fearful but confident. I dipped down lower after the Forest's border stopped, leaving gray-green plains with yard-high grass.
"Where the hell are you taking me?" Crystal drawled in a bored voice, slugging behind her.
"Just wait." I said mysteriously, only aggravating Crystal more. The girl definitely has mood swings.
When we reached the Elder Tree, I sighed in relief. Sometimes, it moved. If it had, then I would have probably had my head served on a platter by Cook Crystal.
"Is this it?" Crystal asked curiously.
"Yup. Have at it."
She whooped and flew down to the tree, settling on a branch. I followed suit, then lead her to the small owl cranny near the leaves.
"Alex? That you?"



Suspense, and a short chapter.

I'm an evil little Hornislut.


Hop you liek and donut forget to put YUR pinky on the leedle star at ze end



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