-=Chapter XI 〰 Part IV=-

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((If you fell for it, let me know. XD HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY))
I rendered them speechless. I just told them to be freaking CSI investigators, for crying out loud!
"Are you serious?" Crystal's face was all distorted, like she was confused, anxious, and seasick.
"We should get ready." I took charge almost immediately.
We had stocked weapons here in case bullies trailed us (or trailed Icy). Mel took an interest in a super sharp dagger collection, while Crystal eyed a few handguns. Icy went over to my trusty bow and sheath of arrows, slinging them over my shoulder.
I, of course, had grabbed a sword and a couple handguns. Always the fighter, I am.
We were soon ready to go on our quest... But first we needed information.
"Where do we even go? The Minister didn't specify which mountain," Icy inquired.
I thought for a moment, then snapped my fingers. "I know who'd know," I teased.
"Who? Who?!?" They bombarded me. I calmed us down and told them.
"The Fire Royalty would have been the first to hear of this, correct?" We all realized what we had to do.
"N-O SPELLS NO!!! I'D EVAPORATE!!!" Crystal shrieked. I nodded, agreeing worriedly.
"We'll bring you in a cube of solid ice, then." Crystal sighed in relief.
"A little ice prison. Great. Quite the adventure for us, eh Crystal?" I elbowed her playfully.
"Yup. Better then being melted alive, so I'll take it."
We discussed our plan for a little while longer until I stood up and said, "Onwards!"
We soared out of the Rebel's Society and into the open dawn sky.




Anyway, hop u enjoy

Donut forget to press YUR pinky against ze leedle star and ze end



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