#6: Less Vile Than Usual

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Getting through the last of the diagnostic tests flew by-- the sun had only just set by the time they finished. Ned was, obviously, surprised when he was informed they were going to hang out with the cool kids of their graduating class at the Astoria Park Fair, but didn't take much convincing. Collin flashed him one smile and he immediately turned heel to change clothes.

"You had me at 'We're going out.' Give me just two seconds..."

When his apartment door opened again, he had donned a hawaiian shirt and a fedora.

"Nice," Peter nodded.

"Yikes," Collin looked him up and down, shaking her head.

"What?" Ned looked down at himself. "It's my lucky outfit--?"

Collin raised a hand.

"Don't defend yourself. We'll... edit this outfit at Peter's place."

"But what's wrong with it--?" Ned whined, locking the door and rushing after them as Collin immediately started walking away. He elbowed Peter, who had hung back to wait for him, and looked between him and Collin. "So? Who's the beautiful stranger?"

"Collin Stark," Peter whispered. Ned's eyes widened.

"She's the one that bullied you?" He looked back to Collin walking ahead of them. "I'd let her bully me any day of the week... Twice on Sundays."

Peter rolled his eyes.

"Ugh, god, could you not...?"

"Stop whispering about me and pick up the fucking pace!" Collin yelled. By the time they got to Peter's apartment, it was fully dark out.

"Hey, you kids are back earlier than I expected--," May called to them, hearing the front door open. She peered down the hallway to see if they were both in one piece--. "Ned? What are you doing here--?"

"We're going to the fair!" Collin announced.

"We as in... you all are...?" May looked dumbfounded. Hadn't the kids been about to murder each other this morning?

"We ran into some of Pete's friends at the park. They're having a get together, so I volunteered him," Collin grinned widely. Peter shifted uncomfortably under May's questioning gaze.

"It's a reunion thing," He shrugged.

"We're going to be in Peter's room if that's cool. These two just need some serious fashion help before I can let them out in public..." And with that, Collin swept into Peter's bedroom, dragging Ned behind her.

"Hi, May! Bye, May!" He called before getting yanked out of sight. Peter was about to follow suit, when May approached him.

"Was going to this fair your idea?" She asked quietly.

"What do you think?" He sighed. She frowned sympathetically.

"Don't let Collin push you around if you don't want to go, Pete. I don't care if she is Tony Stark's daughter."

Peter ran a hand through his hair. How could he explain that, deep down, he really did want to go, even if it was just to finally fuck with Flash Thompson? He definitely couldn't tell May about their plans to bring drinks to the reunion...

"I don't know, I think she's actually trying to be nice to me. I'm sure it'll be fine," He lied. Or was he lying? He actually wasn't sure if this was philanthropic on her part, but he would still benefit wouldn't he?

"Well, okay... As long as you're comfortable with it..." May trailed off.

"Thanks, though," Peter said, making sincere eye contact with her. His aunt was always in his corner and he appreciated it.

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