#7: How's Them Apples?

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Everything was going swimmingly at the fair because of Collin. She had that type of personality, so completely opposite to Peter's, that made socializing with his graduating class seem like a total breeze. Flash seemed equal parts terrified but turned on by the weirdly hot girl hanging out with Ned and Peter, trying to corner her to tell her just how rich his father was on multiple occasions. Peter had to admit, watching Collin talk circles around him was hilarious.

"Lance, could you take your drink without reading your resume to me, please?" She shoved her bottle of vodka at him on one such occasion.

"The name's Flash. And I'm just saying, if you go to a private school in Boston, you probably know some of my friends, we always summer in our mansion out that way--," He continued attempting to regale her.

"Fine, don't take your drink then," She snatched the bottle back and took another huge gulp. "But I really doubt I go to the same school as your friends."

She looked Flash up and down judgmentally, making him squirm. Peter bit his tongue to keep from laughing-- he knew what it felt like to be on the receiving end of that look.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?" Flash exclaimed.

"It means she's got more money than you, asshat," A monotone voice said from behind Peter. Peter whirled around-- It was MJ, in all her grungy, morbid glory.

"Bingo, we have a winner!" Collin smiled at this newcomer, quickly taking the chance to get away from Flash to offer her the water bottle of vodka. "You had a drink yet?"

"A drink?" MJ sniffed at the bottle then looked to Peter in surprise. "You guys are the ones who brought the booze? Why, Peter, I didn't know you had it in you..."

She smiled slightly before taking a sip and handing it back to Collin. Peter was surprised to see her here at all, but he was glad. They're relationship hadn't worked out but he valued her friendship immensely.

"Long time no see," She pulled him into a one-armed hug. "You change your number or something? I've been texting you to hang out for forever..."

"Eh, it's just been a busy couple of months since graduation..." Peter rubbed the back of his neck.

"Aren't you going to introduce us?" Collin cut in, elbowing Peter just a little too hard.

"Collin, chill with the physical assault, please," He exclaimed.

"Not my fault you have bad manners, Petey--," She smirked.

"Don't call me Petey!" He yelled.

"I'm MJ, by the way," The eponymous girl cut in, smiling slightly at the exchange she'd just witnessed. "In case you're still interested in being introduced.

"Shit, sorry," Collin wrinkled her nose and laughed. "I'm Collin, I'm working with Peter on a photography project and he just brings out the worst in me. Does this idiot trigger your aggression the way he does mine?"

"Only some of the time, when he's got his head stuck up his ass," MJ revealed, smiling more widely now.

"See?" Collin turned to Peter, ruffling his hair. "It isn't just me."

"I swear to god--," Peter started, searching for a threat that was appropriate for this situation, but she had already danced away to cause mayhem somewhere else. Peter smoothed down his hair again with the fiftieth heavy sigh of the day.

"She's not actually working on a photography project with you, is she?" MJ commented.

"What? Yes, of course, she is-- Why would you think--?" Peter immediately attempted to cover up. MJ raised an eyebrow.

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