#12: You Can't Handle the Truth Serum

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Here's the thing about truth serums: People in movies talk about them like their effects are limited only to verbal speech and that, somehow, it can magically pull out the information you want in an interrogation with almost no help. That, ironically, couldn't be further from the truth. What truth serums actually do is lower the inhibitions of the person that ingests or inhales it. It can't force the topic of conversation or make the person under its effect know something they aren't already aware of. It simply loosens the tongue... and, apparently, it seemed that Bruce Banner's specially formulated truth serum also loosened the lips.

"You're better at this than I thought you would be," Collin gasped as Peter pushed her against a lab table, her lips parting as he kissed her.

"Thanks, your lips are really soft," He mumbled, catching her lower lip between both of his to get a better taste of her. Collin's hands were shameless, holding onto his strong shoulders and then moving up the column of his neck to bury into his hair as the kiss deepened. His hands found her waist through the white lab coat, which frankly, was the hottest thing she could be wearing.

"Mm," Collin moaned a little as their tongues tangled. Peter pulled back.

"Wait, was that too much?" He asked worriedly. Collin laughed.

"Just enough," She assured him, pulling him close again so their bodies were flush against each other. His grip on her hips tightened as they kept making out, the friction between them increasing.

He'd done this before with MJ when they were dating, obviously, but they'd stopped at over-the-clothes groping. He didn't know why he was even thinking about that right now, but the way Collin pressed against him and her tongue danced against his had his thoughts going way past over her clothes. His teenage mind supplied all kinds of helpful imagery of her wearing nothing but this white lab coat and her glasses, maybe a pair of heels--.

"Peter... Parker?" A voice asked suddenly from the front of the lab. Peter froze and turned to see the source. It was Clint, who's eyes widened as Peter moved to reveal... "Collin? What on God's green earth are you two doing--?"

"We were just doing the fitting for his suit," Collin leapt away from Peter, but because of the serum she couldn't just stop her explanation there, "And then he knocked over the truth serum I've been working on with Banner and then I kissed him, and it's a lot better than I expected-- oh, fuck!"

Collin bit down hard on her tongue as Peter turned a bright shade of red.

"You really liked it?" He asked before he could stop himself.

"Yes, I did-- but shut up, Peter!" Collin smacked his arm.

Clint was staring at them like they'd each just grown an extra head.

"Well. Uh. I would say let's just forget this happened, but if you're telling me you're under the effect of some kind of chemical agent..." Clint rubbed the back of his neck. "I think we at least need to tell Bruce..."

"As long as you don't tell Mr. Stark," Peter exhaled gratefully. "Tony would frickin' kill me if he found out I--."

"Tony would kill you if he found out... about what?" Mr. Stark's voice came booming from behind Clint, making them all flinch. Tony took in the mess of broken beakers, the slight scent of cotton candy in the air... and the 17 year olds who looked much more flushed than when he'd left them. He walked into the lab slowly, eyeing them both as they scooted further away from each other. "What's going on here?"

"Uh, I can explain, Dad, just-- not right now--," Collin stuttered.

"She kissed me!" Peter yelped, before slapping a hand over his mouth. Collin groaned.

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