911 or 420?

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One: *Sees Glomp holding a green cubit*

One: (Angry) GLOMP, IS THAT A WEED!?

Glomp: (Confused) Uhh... no? It's a cubi-

One: I'M CALLING THE POLICE! *puts 9:11 on a microwave*

Kuffs: *Jumps out of the microwave* (Calm) Yes?

Glomp's mind: (Angry) So it's that kinda prank, huh? THEN SO BE IT!

Glomp: (Pretending to be suprised) ONE, is that a police?

One: (Confused) Huh? Obviously it-

Glomp: (Stern) I'm calling the weed. *Puts 4:20 on a microwave*

*Weeds (the plant) sprout everywhere*

One: (Upset) Aw, schnixel.

SALOT as Destiny!AU/Destiny!AU Incorrect Quotes (Including Mixels!)Where stories live. Discover now