C-Studio but with Mixels

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Nurp-Naut (Nurp): (Scared) Eep! Scary story!

*Nurp-Naut switched to Naut.*

Nurp-Naut (Naut): (Calm) I just made a meteor in my spacesuit!

Everything is now suddenly black & white and also frozen, meaning they are paused. A literally white person with a pink and blue heart on her face walked on-screen. That person is the creator of this book, also known as "Candy_Lovely148".

Candy_Lovely148: You know, as many of you realized, that wasn't very funny. Sure, it was a little funny, but not really funny enough. You see, I'm trying to make a living out of making entertaining stories with a really amazing plot line, but sometimes there's a method where there's no need for completely rewriting the story but reimagining it in another way! For example; "Meteor in my spacesuit" is not even that funny, so I'll replace it with that one clip where a guy yells "I JUST S**T MY PAAAAAAANTS!!!".

The scene then rewinds to when Nurp mentioned that the story was scary, but the scene went back to color before being played.

Nurp: (Scared) Eep! Scary story!

Nurp-Naut then switched to Naut.

Naut: (Furious) I JUST S**T MY PAAAAAAANTS!!!

SALOT as Destiny!AU/Destiny!AU Incorrect Quotes (Including Mixels!)Where stories live. Discover now