"Chapter Three"

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Shortly after we got back from the store, Diana was awake. She wasn't as upset as I saw she read the note. I can tell she is still very uncomfortable and cautious around Loki. Along the way, I found a small book about Earth and such to entertain the "prince," as there's not much we can do in this motel.

"Annie? Can I speak with you in private?" She asked me shortly after I got off the phone to order pizza.

"Of course." I said as we took a step inside the bathroom..

"Annie... how long do you plan on keeping this man? I have a bad feeling about this."

"Diana, I know this may sound crazy but he promised to help me."

"And for what in return?"

"Nothing. He has nothing to offer."

Diana sighs.

"Annie, I love you. But you're too trusting..." Diana's voice trailed off, "I was holding this off but do you remember the New York and Germany accident?"

Hm... I remember that day. Both Mr Blake and I were both moved to safety as our building was gonna collapse with these strange alien and creatures. I do have this one vision of a black haired man riding this alien tech and had the same armor and such and held something... before seeing an explosion that made them fly off somewhere.

As for Germany? I was on business trip with Blake. It so happened to be the same time where he developed feelings. But I remember we happened to be there at the wrong moment where we heard "KNEEL!" Blake knelt but I refused.

"Clearly. Why?"

"I've done some research with Mari's help and..."

She slowly opens the door to a creak, showing Loki.

"Well while you guys were shopping, I woke up an hour ago and talked to Mari myself and she went digging to find... that's the same man who destroyed half of New York AND caused chaos in Germany." Diana explained.

I looked at Loki for a moment. He was peacefully reading and looked calm.

"I just don't feel safe that a criminal is in our motel room."

I can understand Diana's fears. The man is still suspicious. He barely had told us anything about himself other than he's Loki, and a prince of Asgard.

"...Explain what else you know." I asked crossing my arms.

"Are you serious? You're going to take his side?!"

"No... no." I said shaking my head.

Diana made an annoyed sigh.

"It seems like he's got to your head, Annie." Diana said a disappointed voice.

"No listen to me, Diana. I want you to tell me everything I need to know... about the Norse mythology."

Then realization hit Diana for a moment.

"Okay. I finally now see what you meant..." Diana paused, "Mari says it's a lot and she didn't have much time but she'll call you directly after her shift."

And speak of the devil: Mari's name comes up as she was calling.

"I'm going to find something to watch on TV." Diana leaves the bathroom as I answered Mari's call.

"Hey, Mars."

"Hey... Di filled me on everything."

I nod slowly.

"Yes... I know."

"I'll be honest, Anne. I can understand Diana's fears. He's the most wanted criminal and this group called the Avengers are DEFINITELY looking for him. Why help him?"

"Mari, if you were me, would you leave some wounded and confused man in the middle of nowhere?"

"No... but I wouldn't let him stay with either you and Diana. I'd taken him to the hospital."

"But in the middle of nowhere?"

Mari was silent, thinking.

"Okay. Maybe I'd let him stay and patch up but still... I'm not sure about your idea. What if he's not telling you the truth?"

"Mari, I know and understand your and Diana's fear. And maybe I'm going to regret it that I trusted him. But there's something I need to get in the bottom of."

"And that is?"

"I'm assuming Diana purposely left out the part where he fell out of the goddamn sky and crash landed onto the ground?"

"...Yes she did. She told me what she witnessed. I called because I know that I need to refresh your memory on Norse mythology."

"Okay... I'll tell you my perspective."


After one long phone call, I guess Mari understand that I want to do this because I want to get information of how he got here and why is he here. Especially if he's the most wanted man. Mari wasn't too keen but I told her my plan.... Now it's just having to convince Diana on board.

"Hey sorry about that." I said as I got out the bathroom.

Mari had found some crime show while Loki somewhat watched.

"It's alright, Anne." She gets up for a moment, "Do you want popcorn?"

"I'm good... thanks."

"What is popcorn?" Loki curiously asked.

Diana's eyebrow raised for a moment. She wasn't sure whether to say something in shock or keep her mouth shut.

"...Can you make some then? We do have a guest." I said.

Diana's eyes dart at me with coldness and suspicion.

"I'll explain later." I lipped to Diana.

My plan all along is to get to know why Loki is here. How he got here... why does he want to stay with us... again, I can only hope that Diana is onboard with this crazy idea.

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