"Chapter Seventeen"

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They really put you to work. Which I didn't mind because it gave me something to do. When it was over, I took off my clothing to put on my outfit. The two maids who help bathe me earlier know about the situation and was swore to keep my secret. When they left after helping put on my nightgown, I spoke up.

"Loki... it's safe now."

He teleports in front of me.

"Nice try keeping hidden."

"...I didn't meant to break something. But just—" I bite my lower lip.

"I know, love. I know..."

He put his hand to my cheek. Despite his hands feeling cold, I had this warm feeling inside me. He smiled a bit.

"Since we have all of the time in the world..." he snapped a finger, changing my outfit.

"What the—"

Loki shushed me before he grabs my hand. He used his magic to teleport me to a massive oak tree and the sun was setting. I watched in amazement.

"This is so beautiful..."

"And someday, this realm will be yours."

I was taken aback.

"What do you mean?"

"...For all my life. I was alone. I had the lesser attention as a prince because I'm not Asgardian by blood but a frost giant." He paused.

That makes sense why he feels so cold... he's a frost giant.

"But meeting you had changed my life for the better, Anne."

Please don't tell me he's actually proposing—

"Even though I was hurt by the betrayal, you had imprinted me, Anne Wright." He continued on with his confession as he got closer, "All I ask is for you to be mine... and I will promise to make you my queen of this realm someday."

This... this is a lot to take in. But... I bite my lower lip. Leaning against the oak tree.


"You see... uh.." I didn't know how to tell him.

I have poisoned Odin at dinner earlier. I thought.

"You..." Loki was taken back.

I didn't know what got over me. Him treating me like that... it brought too much memories that— I snapped.

"Are you mad?"

Loki began to laugh, picking me up and twirling.

"Of course not!" He said happily.

I laughed softly, smiling.

"...Then yes. I'll be yours, Loki Laufeyson."


After we became a couple, Loki and I immediately went back to the citadel before anyone would draw suspicions. Of course, Loki's still keeping his identity safe but has left me with a kiss. I lay in bed until I heard the same old marching and guards stomping in my room.

"What now...?" I asked in a groggy voice.

"All Father has passed."


The news has made it to everywhere. Odin has passed away. And my lover is the culprit this time. I shouldn't be happy. But I am. Mother weeps at his side while I kept my distance and saw Anne and Thor.

"Anne..." Thor can only spoke.

"I know. Who would do such a thing?"

Thor slowly nods. He too would weep while Anne stands there awkwardly for a moment.

Banished || Loki x OC **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now