"Chapter Eleven"

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Tw: more abuse and torture are seen in this chapter! Read with caution

After training with Natasha, I went to see Bruce myself and he looked to be stressed. Most of the avengers except Natasha were in the room.

"I was about call for you."

"Why? What did you find?"

Everyone looked tense.

"You see..." Bruce didn't know where to begin.

"Kid, you were a test subject of Hydra."

A test subject... to what?


"When they did testing on winter soldiers and the Maximoff twins, they tried to make a test to combine both."

Still confused as to what do they mean.

"...I'm confused."

"They tried to make you a superhuman assassin."

Assassin... Assassin.

Flashback begins

After the nightmare of the testing was over... for now. I still had an ounce of my strength. My eyes wandered, thinking of ways to break out of here. My eyes stopped at a chalkboard of what it seems to be... something. I tried to wiggle, but only I couldn't move.

My whole body is numb and feels like it's on fire. I tried to study it once more. I looked at it...


And the rest were too far for me to read it. What does it mean? They finally released me from the chair. But had me to go back to my cage. I didn't say a word collapsing on my bed. At least it's stopped... for now.

Flashback ends

Once again these feel so real... I was shedding tears.
But how was I able to escape?

"Do you know how long ago this was?"

"Late 2010 to early 2013."

"That wouldn't make sense... I was there in New York and Germany when both attacks happen. Why would I be in that place?"

"You see... your brain had created false memories to try cope with the traumatic experiences."

"We looked at your employment and they said you took paid leave and never came back."

I felt my head pounding with all this information.

"This is a lot to take in." I admit.

"I know, kid..."

So... I'm a supposed assassin with super powers? I...

"I... I think I need to lay down for a few hours."

"Take your time, Anne."

I left, running back to my room. Along the way, I looked to my side... to see Loki being escorted out. Our eyes met for a split second before I continued bolting back to my room.


I was being transferred to solitary confinement until I've made brief eye contact with Anne the traitor... only this time I see her puffy eyes and her running as if she's upset.

I can't help to feel curious as to what happened that set her off.

"Move it, Laufeyson!" An agent said as I was standing there, looking at the direction Anne took.

I shook my head for a moment. Why do I even care? She's a traitor! She used me and broke my heart!...

Then I realized: Nords. Is this what I was like? I used to do the same thing and always had fun but... seeing how I was played like an instrument only to get arrested.

I was shoved into the new cell. I just stood there, feeling hopeless. Why am I still in love with her? She betrayed me. Not once I ever had fallen hard for a Midgardian girl... I walked to the door to look out the small window, looking around.

I wasn't plotting my escape... for some odd reason I went to look in the direction she ran off to. She probably ran outside or somewhere to quietly sob. Okay, Loki.... You need to stop worrying over her. It's hard to get over her but—

Sigh. This is going to take centuries.


I ran back to see my room was empty. Supposedly because of the "truth," they've moved me to an another room. Jarvis directed me to it and it seemed more bigger and cozier. I felt like I wanted to cry myself to sleep.

"Anne?" A voice called out to me.

"Go away, I want to be left alone." I replied back.

"Anne please—"

I get up to see... LOKI?! Nonono how did he escape?!

"How did you—"

"It's a illusion."

Damn, back at reading my mind again.

"What do you want? Thought you hated me and didn't want to speak to me."

"Look, I hate you. but I saw you ran past me and—"

Oh my god. He still has feelings! I shook my head and laughed at him.

"I can't believe it. God of Mischief and Lies is still in love with me." I said in between laughters.

He stood there with his arms behind his back, looking at me with those puppy eyes.

"I hate to admit but... yes. You really are goddamn special, Anne Wright. I want to hate you but—"

"...Thor! Steve! Natasha! Anyone?!" I called out to anyone closeby.

Don't worry I'll make you hate me even more.

"What's wrong?" Tony immediately comes running.

Loki's hologram immediately was gone before Tony can open his mouth.

"Damned Laufeyson." He said irritated.

I get up, putting my hand to Tony's shoulder.

"I'm glad you came... he really is obsessed with me." I said, frowning, "He still has feelings for me." I admit.

Tony shook his head, chuckling.

"That's a shocker."

I chuckled.

"So... does your wife know?"

"Girlfriend," he paused, "She wasn't pleased but once I explained everything..."

Pepper slowly walked in. I can see the tears in her eyes as if she's been crying.

"You poor poor child." She said before she hugged me.

I never got any hugs in awhile... but this was nice.

"By the way, we also talked about it too and..."

"We want to adopt you, Anne."

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