2 Into the Store

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The electronics store was cool and spacious, with carts bustling through sprawling aisles. Louis stopped in the middle of the entrance to take it all in. Upbeat pop music blasted through the speakers, and he was reminded of a carnival, or a mall. In the front were huge displays of some google boxes; across the far back wall he spied giant TVs; products of all shapes and sizes filled the aisles. 

"Keep it moving," barked the security guard at Louis, and he stumbled to catch up with Niall. 

"Chargers are over that way," Niall moved his chin to the left, "I asked a dude."

In his peripheral vision, Louis saw a bunch of phone cases.

"I wanna look at that." He pointed to the cases.

"Fine, find me at the chargers in ten minutes," Niall said, and after checking the current time, they parted ways.

Louis was dazzled by the rows of phone cases. It looked like there were hundreds, all neatly lined up! It wasn't like he needed a case- his protective gray cover was good enough- but the sheer variety of possibilities was captivating.

He decided to start off by admiring each one, one column at a time, before he picked favourites.

"Excuse me, can I help you with anything?" Louis turned to see a certified Cute Boy standing by him.  He was at a loss for words. Tall and handsome, with curly hair, Cute Boy's eyes on Louis made his stomach flutter. 

"Can I help you?"  he repeated kindly.

"I, uh, I'm not sure," Louis stuttered. His eyes darted along Cute Boy's body, landing on his nametag: Harry.

"You'e choosing a phone case?" Cute Boy, named Harry, guessed.

"Well, I don't really need one," Louis said, then immediately regretted it. That was a terrible first impression!

Harry chuckled, rich and full of light. "I get that." Harry had often wandered into stores just to marvel at the amount of products. The world really was small, what with things from China and Ghana and Taiwan all in the same store.

Louis tore his eyes away from Harry and looked down.

"But supposing you were to buy one, what would you choose?" Harry asked.

They took in the sheer quantity of phone cases together.

"I mean," Harry added, "You wouldn't want to choose one willy nilly."

Louis giggled in spite of himself.

"What?" Harry said, curious and amused. His heart danced in his chest. The boy looked his age, like late high school or early college, but at the same time completely adorable. And his giggles were precious.

Louis' eyes flicked to meet Harry's.

"Willy nilly," he explained, blushing. "I say that too. My friend said no one in the whole world says willy nilly, but I guess you do too."

Harry grinned in understanding. "I'm special," he said.

Louis hoped he was.

The two fell into easy conversation, Harry pointing out the pros and cons of different types of phone cases, and Louis contributing his input. Though their words were only surface-level and much lighter than Louis would prefer, he was relieved that Harry hadn't left him in favor of another customer. Surely his manager would prefer he help someone who intended to buy something. Harry was just persuading Louis into buying one with detectives all over it when he heard someone call 'Louis'. 

Louis stood on tiptoes, peering over the tops of the aisles. With a jolt he remembered that Niall had wanted him to meet him in ten minutes. He checked his watch.

"Oh no!" he cried. It had been twenty.

"What's wrong?" Harry said, concerned. Louis bit his lip.

"I think my friend is looking for me," he said. Harry scanned the store. With his tall stature, Louis noted, this was easy.

After a moment, Niall strode over. 

"I'm sorry, we were just looking and I forgot!" Louis said before Niall had the chance to react.

"I tried calling you!"

"Oh. I left my phone at home."

Niall sighed. He held up a tightly bound cord. "Got the charger. Let's go."

Harry coughed quietly. Louis perked up.

"Niall, this is Harry," he said. "A very smart employee. Harry, Niall, my friend."

"Nice to meet you," Harry said politely, but then turned to Louis, confused.

"How do you know my name?"

"Your nametag!" Louis giggled. Harry's heart ached for the adorable boy. 

He looked down at his breast pocket, at his nametag. "Oh."

"Then what's your name?" Harry asked.

"Louis," he replied. 

"Louis," Harry repeated. It sounded like a fairy's name, or an elf's. Something enchanting and magical. 

Louis, on the other hand, ducked his head. He liked the way his name sounded on Harry's lips.

With a wary glance at Niall, Harry turned to Louis and said, "I'd like your number, okay?"

Louis nodded shyly, ignoring Niall's groan.

"You tell me, then I'll text you since you don't have your phone on you?" Harry said.

As Niall shuffled around, dancing to the music, Louis and Harry exchanged numbers.

"Ready?" Niall asked gruffly when they were done.

"Bye, Harry," Louis waved.

"Goodbye, Louis," Harry said with a smile. 

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