4. Romance Ensues

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Louis held the pinecone and stared up at Harry, on top of the hill.

"Did it hit you? I'm so sorry!" the girl said, rushing down the hill.

"Are you okay?" she asked, but Louis' undivided attention was on Harry. He was standing open-mouthed, dumbstruck. It was comical, really, but Louis didn't dare laugh.

"Are you okay?" she repeated, reaching him.

"Yeah, yeah, it's fine," he said dismissively.

"Louis?" Harry called, running to him. He stood up, dropping the pinecone.

"Harry?" he said, though he wasn't unsure in the slightest.

"Sorry about that, are you okay?" Harry asked him, coming to a standstill a few feet away- further than Gemma was.

"Yeah, I'm great," he said, and he meant it. He realized with a start that he might be gross and sweaty, since he'd just been running. Likely, though, the brisk air would've cooled him off. 

"Funny coincidence, seeing you again," Harry said, breaking up the awkward pauses.

"Yeah, who would've thought? Twice in one day," Louis said. He had no idea what to say to Cute Boy Harry, so he focused on fiddling with the hem of his shirt. 

Gemma gasped and looked at Zayn, now joining them down the hill. 

Though no one had introduced them, she said, "Oh my god Harry, is this Louis?" Harry groaned at her. 

"Yes, Gemma, this is Louis. I, uh, helped him at work today. Louis, Gemma's my sister. Younger," he added, emphasizing the 'younger'. Gemma was beaming. 

"This is Zayn," Harry said, gesturing to the other guy. "My friend."

"Nice to meet you both," Louis said, extending a hand. Gemma's smile grew.

"Nice to meet you too," she and Zayn said, and they shook hands.

Harry watched Louis' manners with admiration. Though he guessed some of it was just social habit, he did appreciate a polite boyfriend. Not that Louis would ever agree to be his boyfriend, of course. He wasn't sure how much Louis had heard of his conversation with his friends. Mortified, he only hoped Louis acknowledged it. 

He pulled Zayn away a few feet, leaving Gemma to continue excessively apologizing to Louis. 

Since they were already in Louis' earshot, Harry and Zayn whispered to each other.

"He is pretty hot," Zayn acknowledged.

"Zayn!" Harry hissed. "He's not yours! Mine!"

"One day in and you're already calling him yours," he said slyly.

"I mean, he's not mine- he's more mine than yours. I met him first!"

"Relax, Harry. I'm straight, remember?"

"Right. Right."

"Soooo, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know! I don't know if he heard me!"

"Say he had heard you gushing about him. In a year, when you reflect on this moment, what will you wish you had done?"

Harry thought. He'd never considered pretending it was the future. 

"I guess I'd rather not doubt it. Cuz if I didn't say anything, I would always wonder. And if I asked, Louis would be suspicious."

"That's a good idea."

"And even if I pretended our conversation never happened and just waited for my feelings to grow, that would be lame. If Louis had heard it, then he would know I'm embarrassed."


Harry glanced at Louis.

"But I could also just ignore Louis completely forever and never deal with this again."

"No fucking way. Besides, if you gather your nerves you can play it cool and go for the vibe of Confident Attractive Dom Wants You. Louis is going to fall for it."

"Yeah right."

 "It's not like you're putting on a new persona, too- just stepping into the version of yourself usually reserved for the bedroom."

"Zaynie, do not talk about my sex life."

"Fine. Now go out there and knock 'em dead." Zayn shoved Harry back to Louis.

Gemma fell silent. Everyone was waiting for Harry to talk. 

Just as he was steeling himself to confess, it occurred to him that Louis might not like Gemma and Zayn hovering around. Harry wanted him to feel as comfortable as possible, so he told Louis, "Wanna talk for a moment?" Louis glanced at Gemma and Zayn, and Harry guessed his puzzlement. 

"Just us," he clarified. Gemma rolled her eyes. 

"Buzzkills," she complained.

Blushing, Louis nodded to Harry. They began to walk, Harry guiding them around trees. 

"Nothing bad," he quickly assured Louis in case the small boy was anxious. 

"Just- you're cute. As in, attractive," Harry said, but his heart sank. That didn't sound very Confident Attractive Dom to him. Zayn would be disappointed. It'd been a while since he had been with a person, but he'd never felt this nervous in his life. Tentatively, he gauged Louis' reaction. His eyes were glued to the grass. 

"Look at me, please," he said, kind and gentle. Louis' eyes met his for a flash, then left.

"Look at me," he repeated, now firm and unwavering. This time, Louis obediently held the eye contact. Harry felt satisfaction quell within him, and he resisted the urge to praise the darling boy. It wouldn't do to start saying 'good boy' this and 'good boy' that, not when he'd met him that same day. 

"I know this is unconventional, but I wanted to be honest with you. What do you think of me, Louis? Do we have any chance together?"

Harry prayed Louis would say yes, so that then they could get to know each other better and maybe even fall in love and maybe even have sex. Harry shook away quick-appearing fantasies of Louis naked under him, making pretty little sounds and squirming with that delicate body.

Louis was shocked. Though technically, being upfront about feelings was sensible and refreshing, he was taken aback. But the answer was obvious to him, and clearly if Harry was interested in him, then it was safe enough to proceed. 

"Yes!" he said joyfully. Harry broke into a smile. "Yes, yes, you're very handsome too, I mean cute, but I don't know you at all, I mean I like that you're upfront about these things but we simply must get to know one another," he rambled, getting lost in the excitement. Harry found it endearing, how Louis said 'simply must' and used the older 'one' instead of the popular 'you'. He bent down to kiss him, and his mouth was mere inches away from Louis' when he stopped, almost forgetting consent in his haste. 

"Can I kiss you?"

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