6. An Invitation

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Louis woke up with a start to the sound of a loud engine pulling up to his house. He heard the door shut, and then Niall's footsteps in the living room. Louis checked the time. It was early morning! Niall, when he didn't have to go into work, never woke up this early! What was going on?

Louis sat up, and remembered what had happened yesterday. Harry! Sweet, cute, kind Harry. How nice of him to drive him back home. He smiled, remembering their kiss. He wondered if it would ever happen again, considering he'd broken down in tears and had to be consoled. Louis knew that he liked that, innately- being comforted, cared for, kinda like a kid. He knew he wasn't a little, as they were known, because he didn't actually want to be a child. 

It would be really nice, he thought, if someone else were at home to take care of him. Last night when he'd returned home, Louis went into full self-care mode. He had lit candles, put on some Beach Boys music (to get over his embarrassment of crying in front of Harry), and made himself french toast.  But it would be really nice if someone else had been there to love him, and he didn't mean a friend. 

Louis' friends weren't even so close. He had about three close friends, and maybe four others. They saw each other sometimes, and he liked his friends, but more often than not, he was on his own. 

Then there was Niall. Niall was a great friend, but he didn't even have a caring personality. Also.  he wasn't attracted to Niall. His mind closed around Harry, with his gorgeous curly hair and handsome physique. Hoping Niall would be too distracted to notice him, he darted into the shower, stripping his clothes off in a frenzy to enjoy the sensual water. 

After, fully clothed and calm, Louis found Niall at the kitchen table, typing furiously at his computer. A plate beside him held only crumbs. 

Their house was pretty new. They were its first renters, and the house had just finished being furnished when they'd moved in. The kitchen windows looked out onto a small backyard of trees and shrubs, and it had a tall fireplace- though nobody used it, and their landlord forbid it.

"Niall," Louis said, taking the plate to the dishwasher. Niall grunted. Louis poked his back.

"Niall Niall Niall Niall Niall Niall," he chanted. He sighed and looked at Louis.


"What were you doing out so early?" Louis asked. 

Niall sighed again, frustrated. 

"Nothing, alright?"

Louis pouted. 

"But Niall-"

"I was out, okay?"

Undeterred, Louis said, "With who?"



"This girl."


"Would you shut up? You sound like a fucking owl," Niall snapped.

Louis stepped away, stunned. Niall never was this mean. Something was wrong. He went back to his room. He wondered what kind of night Niall had had, out and about. Probably the clubs. And if he'd drunk a lot, then that meant he had a hangover now, and hungover Niall was a weird Niall. That would explain it. 

His phone buzzed. Louis checked the screen. From Harry! He didn't unlock his phone, he just watched as the texts arrived.

Harry: Hey love

Harry: How do you feel?

Harry: Are you a keyboard?

Harry: Cuz you're just my type

Louis giggled.

Harry: are you free friday at seven? 

Louis gasped. He grabbed his teddy bear plopped on his desk, hugged it to his chest, and squealed. A date! A date!

"A date," he whispered to himself in awe. A date, with Harry.

"Yes yes yes!" he exclaimed, and it would have been perfectly timed if fairy dust and glitter and cupcakes and chocolates rained down from the sky. Louis' cheeks were so full from grinning, anyone observing him might have observed that he looked like a leprechaun. He was positively glowing

When nothing extraordinary at all happened in the slightest, Louis realized, with some disappointment, that he actually needed to go and agree to Harry's invitation. He supposed it wouldn't do to just expect him to telepathically show up and wait for Louis. 

So he unlocked his phone (it took him four tries, as his fingers kept messing the darn passcode up) and texted Harry.

Louis: nice pun

He felt like texting: yes yes of course ill go on a date with you! ill always be free for you!

But he felt like that was a bit much, even for gays. He couldn't show this much adoration before the first date, that was just pitiful. 

Louis: yes im free

Besides, he reasoned, he had no idea if Harry was even a good person. He seemed like one, of course, but what if he loved the NRA? What if he denied climate change? What if- Louis dared to think- he thought the earth was flat?

But he brushed those thoughts away. Dates were opportunities to get to know people- Louis could get to know Harry. He grinned. He couldn't wait for Friday. 

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