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A/N: Picture is Louis' BDSM test. Also, when Selena and Niall are at Target, just extend your mind for a bit and pretend that Target just has a giant sock section because that's what I wish existed. 

"I mean," Harry said, playing with the crust of his sandwich and avoiding Louis' eyes, "That's what my test said."

"Your test?"

"One hundred percent, it said." Harry's eyes met  Louis'.

"Harry, what test?" Louis was thinking back to when he'd gone to Harry's apartment and spied on his bdsm test results. Did Harry know he'd seen? Or was his mind in the gutter and he was actually talking about some mental disorder or disease his doctor had diagnosed him with?

"Being in charge," Harry said, a smile glinting on his face. Fuck. Harry knew.

"O-oh," Louis hoped Harry didn't notice the way he started taking deep breaths to stop feeling excited. 

"Have you taken it?" How was he supposed to reply to that? He had, of course, taken the test.

"Uh, I got an A."

Harry laughed. "Louis!"

Louis smiled and took a bite of his croissant. 

"Louis, do you know what I'm talking about?" He nodded, not meeting Harry's eyes.

"Aw, do you not want to talk about that?"

"Not in public!" Louis hissed, eyes darting around the surrounding tables to see who was listening in. No one was. 

"Not much of an exhibitionist, huh?"


"Alright, alright, we can talk about something else. Sorry."

Louis relaxed in his chair. But wait, that meant- that meant that they would talk about it in private. Where Louis would no longer have the protection of the public. 

Couldn't they skip the talking, and go straight to the sex? 

No, obviously not, he knew, they needed to have a discussion. Communication is key and all that.

Niall and Selena were at Target, looking around for new socks for Selena. 

"What about these?" Niall held up some thick gray socks. 

"Lamb, those are hideous." Selena shooed them away.

"These?" Niall had some fuzzy sparkly little girls' socks. 

"No, pet, put those down."

Selena moved to a different aisle of socks. 

"Sweetie, let's go, I'm buying these," she said, but he wasn't there to hear her. "Niall?!"

Niall happened to be in the old aisle. He heard Selena's voice and hurried over to her. 

"Sorry Selena," he said. He couldn't stand being apart from her, he just hadn't noticed she was gone. She did tend to rush about. 

"Don't wander," said Selena tightly.

"Those are good," Niall pointed to the socks in Selena's hand. 

"Yes, I'm buying them. Come along."

Selena walked away, looking expectantly behind her and Niall hurried to meet her. To get to the register, they passed through sections of hats, shoes, shirts, and bras. In the swimsuit section they stopped. 

"Selena?" A man approached them. He was white, wearing a grey hoodie and tall boots. 

"Nick," Selena greeted him. She smiled. Nick glared. 

"What the fuck are you doing?" 

Selena held up her socks. "It's a goddamn Target, Nick. What does it look like I'm doing."

"Him!" Nick gestured in Niall's direction. Selena put her hand on Niall's shoulder protectively. Niall flinched. 

"Leave us alone, man," Niall said. He held his gaze to Nick. He wasn't going to let this idiot talk to Selena so disrespectfully. 

Nick walked over to Niall. In those tall boots, Niall felt like he was at a showdown with a modern day cowboy. And Nick had huge arms, and bulging muscles he hadn't noticed. Niall gulped. 

"Do you know who I am?" Nick demanded.

"Nick, hush." 

But Nick seemed to be immune to Selena. 

Niall didn't say anything.

"Nick," Nick finally spat out. 

"Dick," Niall said. Furious, Nick raised his arm to hit Niall, but Selena stepped in and pulled Niall away from Nick. 

"Boys, settle down. Nick- goodbye." She took Niall's hand and they left, leaving a dumbfounded, angry Nick. 

When they were safely out of earshot, Niall asked, "Who the heck was he?"

Selena scanned the socks at the self-checkout. "Nick."

"Yeah, I know that!" Niall snapped. 

"Watch your tone."

"Sorry," he muttered. "Just, I don't like him. Who is he to you?"

"We were dating a while ago."

"And he thinks he can still be possessive of you? That jerk! I'm  your boyfriend, not him!"

"Niall, don't make a scene."

But Niall ignored her. "I should go find him and beat him up! That bastard!"

Selena raised her eyebrows and stared at him, piercing and stern. 

"You're walking home on your own."

Niall opened his mouth in protest. 

"-Don't swear." Selena said by means of explanation. 

"No, no, please!" Niall was desperate.

They walked out of Target. 

"Selena, my love, please! I won't swear! Ever! I really don't want to walk home, it's so far, and I could just be in your car just as easily." 

Selena slapped him. Niall started to cry. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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