chapter3 : gaurdian angel

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aurora pov


i watched from behind as my brother declined immortality just for the girl on his side. my brother had raven black hair a tall structure and he had a joyful look in his eyes but if you looked carefully enough then you could notice the look he hid it was paranoid as if he was expecting someone or something to attack. the demigods all acted like little kids that were at the age of 2 years old. i was to arrive at the camp the next day in torn clothes that looked like i had been fighting of monsters for days. dad had apollo bless me with the strongest power he had which was the control over sunlight. while going for my walk up the hill the hydra appears dad didnt take away my water powers so thats what must have attracted it to the hill believe the others at camp heard the roar that the hydra let out. i thought about any myth i knew about the hydra. dad must have told me as it was about an actual son of his. it soon clicked that hercules had fought the hydra but each time he cut its head of two more grew finally he used poison the the hydra stopped growing heads again and again. this time i wasn't going to use a simple sword it was finally time to use the sun sword that apollo gave me a long time ago he told me that i will need it one day i guess today is that day. through the barrier i could hear the other campers saying that i don't have sword but over the time i spent time with my dad i learnt that a good fighter should always have a spare weapon incase the fighter is disarmed durin a fight and war. before giving it to me apollo enchanted it and said that it should turn into a necklace when im mot using it but if i am to activate the sword then it has to be thrown in the air to be touched by the sunlight it had to catch the sunlight to form the sword as soon as i threw the amulet into the sky a sword appear in my hand i ran towards the hydra and tried to duck the blow of the fire. i then created a circle of sunlight around me that protected me from the fire. i stepped  forward and i cut of the fire breathing head of the hydra. as soon as it was cut of you could see the burn maks on its neck i then continued the process with the rest of the necks and then stabbed it in the heart it then crumbled to the ground in a pile of yellow sand. the campers looked at me with shock i replied with


ANNA= that was some great technique

AU=ok if you say

ANNA=we can all tell that you're a demigod since a monster attacked you do u know who your godly parent is?

AU=um no

ANNA= then you will be claimed soon

AU=ok cool can i go to sleep now im tired.

ANNA=uh sure you can go rest in the wait house thats where youll be there until we find out your godly parent

AU=um can you take me there

ANNA=m yeah


apollos pov

i was sitting in the throne room and listening to the gods discussing the reward the hero percy was getting finally after the flight the demigods arrived then Zeus offered percy immortality but he denied and wished that demigod children get claimed quicker and that they respect the minor gods. after the wish is made true the party takes place it was a lot of fun but i was worried about one thing. I had given Aurora the most powerful blessing I had and I wasn't sure if my children would except her. after the party I went to auroras room and saw the walls had teal background with gold, black and electric blue swirls in a  normal girl demigods room would have a lot of make up an it would suit their parents attitude but her was cool in the back of the room was a practice area and on one of the walls she had weapons lined up she had 5 types of throwing knives 3 swords 2 bows and a quiver that refills itself magically then there were very few spears and daggers then there was was a queen size bed on the other side of the room. then some shelf had books all in ancient greek since all demigods are dyslexic and their brains are designed to read ancient greek in the corner of the room was a desk on which were study books.

while admiring auroras room I didn't notice zeus walk into the room he walked over to me and started saying

 Z=she designed this room herself this would probably make athena angry if she heard me but this room is better than the designing the daughter of athena is planning this room is so well coordinated that everything is all organized and I never knew that she had study book there at the level of year 10 if aurora went to actual school then she would be in year 7 she chose all the books herself its quite amazing that she has such an amazing brain but her brother could be called a nut head

AP= maybe he is smart but doesn't show it

Z=that is quite a fair point but it is not the reason that I came to talk to you

AP=so what is it

Z=I need you to disguise yourself as a demigod and travel to camp half-blood

AP=ok sure but why

Z=as you already that Aurora is our adopted


Z=to us she is much more us, meaning me and hera, I know that I cheat a lot on Hera but I love her so much the reason i cheat is that I'm always hoping that there's one child of that is our dream child and that they can be loved by Hera as her own children. She believes that our children together are quite disappointing and that Aurora is the perfect child.

also she is very important in the future as she may have to defeat order. You're the only god that knows about Aurora. I’m sending you to earth to protect aurora and you will only be called when needed in an important council discussion but every time you come then you bring Aurora. From now on you are her guardian angel.

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