chapter 11; you're awfully small

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auroras pov

i was finally done with my room it looked amazing but it wasn't the same as my old room which i miss a lot. i then walked to the training room. it was huge there was a group of people standing with their backs towards me. i was watching them very carefully they were really good they all seemed more trained than. that made think why would Chaos choose me when he had better soldiers than me. i thought not to disturb them so i turned and started to walk out but then time slowed down and somebody appeared next to me. it was a boy. Time suddenly became normal again. the boy had dark brown that was put in quiff his face was in the shape of an oval which made him look grown up and mature his eyes were normal sized with a bright green iris and full lips which made him look like he's pouting all the time. there was only one thing came to asi looked that was cute. he then opened his mouth to speak.

L=i'm Logan and i'm in charge until lord chaos has finally chosen the next

AU=i'm Aurora and i'm new i thought about training but you guys were  already here so i thought not to disturb you.

L=well your part of the army so you can train with us. our army is divided into groups this group is the infinite group, then there's the ultimate group, then ultima, star, hope weird names i know but the group names them. the only group name that Chaos chose is ours.

AU=so who are the rest?

L=this is Morgan he's the hacker if it comes to something to do with the internet  


L=this is Lianna she is the spy

LI=hi your pretty

L=that's Aidan he's multi tasking

AI=hey wassup

L=Jordan's standing behind me no idea why she's in the army probably her power there are other but mostly we do the work and train i forgot to tell you im the best fighter

Suddenly the speaker crackled through it you could here Chaos's voice

CH=all of the soldiers please meet me in the main room

L=i'll take you there

AU= ok cool

He led me to the room it was not a room it was it was a hall.

I looked around and saw Aidan looking around the room as if searching for someone as soon as his eyes fell upon her a smile etched itself onto his face. he walked towards her wrapped one arm around her waist touching his lips to her cheeks.

I saw more than 100 people that is not a lot but they must be really good. looked around trying to analyse everything about the army members. As I was analysing the voice that belonged to chaos snapped me out of my thoughts.

CH=thankfully on my trip to earth I found our newest recruit but also my heir first we have to fight the war that is coming up then the full power will be received. everyone please welcome Aurora the next in line to the universe.

I walked towards the stage in the middle of the room.

I felt everyone's eyes on me it was super uncomfortable as I hated being the centre of attention but there was nothing I could do about it so I went along with it.

CH=there is a special reason I chose her. For one she is modest and does not seek reward and is nearly always selfless or for those who have read the divergent she's part Abnegation and Dauntless also kind of Erudite

L=so Chaos you do read the recommendations I give you

CH=maybe I do Logan but as I was saying is that she is the owner of 3 different gods powers she has Zeus's power a-

AI=yo I got a sister


AU=Chaos do you mind if i tell them

CH=sure go ahead

AU=as Chaos told you I have Zeus's power but I'm not his actual daughter I'm his adopted daughter my actual father is Poseidon I have his powers of course and finally I have Apollo's power as I had to act as his daughter as if the word spread I'm in the mortal world all monsters would attack and kill the human population.

L=so you're taking over my place. Thats cool with me but one thing you are awfully small.

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