Chapter 4: Mr.Twinkies

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Okay. I LOVED all the names that you guys said.. But I really  Mr.Twinkies.. So, yeah! Sorry for the long wait, school is very.. long, as you could say. Anyway, thanks to you all who read the story, left a rating, favorited it, commented, and etc! We really do appreciate it. Sorry if it's short and doesn't have a ton of action... I tried! Now! Onward with the story! -Kat


          While going home, every once and a while.. I had to shove the cow out of holes or water, after a least an agonizing hour, I got home and thought of the name Mr.Twinkies. That's good name, eh? As soon as Porky and Mr.Twinkies were in their pen, I stared up at the sky.. Night, why is it always night? I shuffled inside while mobs started spawning left to right... I put on my iron armor, and took out my bow and arrows, and I dashed onto the roof, and started shooting random mobs. Dad, of course, went outside and slayed them, and I admit.. I shot him at least twice.. Fine.. I shot him six times on accident. Yes, on accident.. NOT on purpose... I still bet you never had to shoot a bow at wild beasts before! Anyway, day came, quickly, and once again. Dad yelled,"Breakfast, Serria!" I shot like a bullet downstairs, I was hungry like a PIG! Sorry if that offended you, Porky.. Dad handed me a watermelon and a loaf of bread, and we both sat down at the table and started munching."Serria," Dad calmly told me," Where are you going to find 12 enderpearls?" I hesitated, should I tell him..? Yes. He IS my father, after all.."Well, I already have 11."

           He sighed, deeply and handed me an enderpearl."I killed a enderman last night. Oh. Don't forget... You need.. Blaze powder I believe.. Or was it magma cream.. No. It's blaze power.. You need twelve blaze powder.. SO, you have to kill blazes.. Which.. I can do for you." Dad said."I can do it, and thanks for the pearl."

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