Chapter 5: The Nether

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I needed inspiration. I grabbed my iCreep Touch, my earphones, and listened to "Enderborn" while I practiced fighting the dragon. Did you know that beds explode in the End, and the Nether? "It's finished Sierra!" Dad called out. Yes, the Nether portal. It was finally done. I ran to where he was. "If I need to turn you onto Creative mode so you can get to a Nether Fortress," Dad said. "No, dad, it's fine. I have enough cobblestone to shift my way there," I said. To me, using Creative mode JUST for flying, that's just cheap. I stepped into the Nether portal. I felt a strange feeling. I felt dizzy, a little weak possibly. My eyes closed, but just for a second. I felt a giant bang hit my head, and suddenly, I was in the Nether. "Here I am," I said, taking out my bow. Wait, did I just spawn, IN the Nether Fortress? I heard the sound of blazes above me. I walked up there, collecting Nether warts on the way. I fought the Blazes, killing them one by one. When I saw the Blaze hit me, launching me off the fortress. Well, I'm doomed. I sighed, when I saw an opening to the fortress. Using my ninja skills, I dashed my way in there while falling. Huh, maybe I'll do parkour maps after I defeat this little dragon. I ran, and defeated the Blaze that almost killed me. I saw how much Blaze powder I got. "20 Blaze powder. Nice." I said. I collected Magma Cream also, for potions. I found my Nether portal & went back home. "You got the Blaze powder?" Dad asked. I nodded. "Nice, now you'll need to find the End Portal." he said. "Dad," I said. "Yes?" he asked. "Honestly, I already had one eye of ender. Some man gave in to me after I bought him some milk after he spilt his." I said. He smiled. "You earned it from doing a good deed." he smiled. Good. I thought Dad would be mad. 


Sorry if it was too short! I hope you guys enjoyed it though. More is coming up, so stay tuned! 


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