Chapter 24

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I gave Prince Frederick a tour of  the palace : he was really interested, and I was glad I could teach him a few things about our country.

He was a nice guy, a little shy at first, but really smart.
He would be a great king.

He talked to me about France, where he grew up and how he met Daphne.
Every time he was speaking about her, he had theses love sparks in his eyes.
It was sweet, although I was sad for him, falling in love with this kind of girl.

But maybe she wasn't like this with everyone .
Maxon seemed to like her, maybe she was just like this with me ?
Maybe I deserved it after all ?
I know I ain't that good of a queen, and she would do my job a hundred times better, but I really try my best every day.
Maybe it's not enough ?

" Thank you, your Majesty for this tour. It was really interesting, and I had a lot of fun." Frederick told me.
" Your Welcome Sir. I tried my best to show you everything and explain it to you although I think the king would have done a better job." I replied.
" I think you did perfect !" He said.
" Thank you. I am afraid I have to leave you Sir, because I have work waiting for me." I said.

I didn't finish the papers Maxon and I were working on after coming back from my break, and they had to be done.
Maybe Maxon wasn't in his office anymore, and I could get them quickly ?
I will work in my bedroom, I think.

" Okay, your Majesty." Frederick replied " It was nice to know you a little more."
" Same for me." I said with a smile.
" See you at dinner." He said , bowing.

Prince Frederick walked away and I stood there for a little while, staring at the wall.

" Are you feeling alright ?" A voice I recognized asked me.

I turned around, and standing in front of me, with a worried look, was Marlee.

" Hum... yes, thank you Marlee... I was just..." I started.
" Lost in your thoughts ?" She proposed
" Hum... yes." I replied
" Was it Prince Frederick with you ? He seems very nice." She said to me.
" Oh ! Yes. I gave him a tour of the palace. We spoke for a while. He is quite smart." I answered.
" Wow ! I didn't know you were a tourist guide !" She teased.
I chuckled. " I just wanted to be nice and welcoming."
" And you did perfect America." She said.

She paused and asked me : " What is it ?"

She really could read my thoughts.

" Nothing..." I lied.
" America ... Come on, I know somethings wrong. What happened ?" She asked me.
" Hum... I... I mean we..." I stammered
" You fought with Maxon ? She guessed
" Yeah... again." I answered.
" And what is it about this time ?" She asked me as we sat down on this red couch in the hallway.
" It's silly... it's just that sometimes I feel like he doesn't believe I could love him. Sometimes he trusts me completely and sometimes he doubts my love. I know he loves me and I love him so much. I just wished he could see that he is worth everything." I explained to her.
" Is he worth every fights ?" She asked me, raising her eyebrow.
" Oh yeah. Although, I wish there were less. Maybe even none." I said
" But its not possible." She started " Because Maxon and America make one with fighting. That is the way you communicate sometimes. And when you forgive each other, your love is each times stronger." She said. " See : during the selection, you were fighting all the time ! And the more you grow up, and learn to know each other, the less you fight. Maybe one day I'll stop completely."

I smiled thinking about all of our past fights.

" Not so sure about that." I said with weak smile.
Marlee laughed. " It's okay to make mistakes, America."
" Yeah... I know. It's just that I wish I could do better. I mean, I know I can do better. If I try harder, I could be a better queen, a better wife and a better person in general."
" America..." she begun " Don't doubt what you can do and who you are. I know Maxon loves you because you are you and only you. And same for you toward him."
" So what do I do ?" I asked her
" You mean, right now ?" She asked back.
" Yes Marlee." I paused " Right now."
" Go talk to him. Ask him why is he so hesitant, why didn't he believe you." She advices me.

I nodded.
I need to show him I love him more than anything.
That he doesn't need to doubt himself or hesitate.
That I will always be there for him.

" Alright." I said, standing up " Thank you, Marlee."
" Your welcome, your Majesty." She teased.

I cocked my head on the side and raised my eyebrows. " You know I don't like it when you call me this way."
" Yep." She said smirking.

I laughed, and she joined me.

" Okay, now go !" She exclaimed

I winked at her, and left, walking toward the place where I could find Maxon.

But as I was walking in the hallway, I walked into Daphne.

" Oh ! Excuse me." She said, not seeing me.

When she lifted her head, and saw who I was, she shrugged. " Your Majesty."

She looked at me like if I was sick.

" I can't believe you said that Daphne." I let out
She raised her eyebrows. " What ? You can't believe I told Maxon who you really were ? A bitch ?" She replied
" How dare you ! I am the queen of Illéa, not your friend! I could sentence you to caning for this !" I shouted, finally getting angry.
" No you couldn't." She said, matter of factly.
" And why so ?" I asked
" Because Maxon wouldn't believe you and you forgot I am the heir to the French throne. Also, without the king : you are no one." She said.
" I am way more than you could ever think of. By the way, I wonder why aren't you with your husband right now ? Because he told me you didn't like his company?" I questioned.

She throw me a dead in the eyes look and said " Are you with yours ? No, actually I was with him and you with mine. That's funny, maybe we should switch ." She proposed sarcastically.
" So you are still in love with Maxon, huh ? And Frederick ? You don't love him ?" I asked calming down a little.
She sighed " I thought you were smarter than that : I need a husband. I pick the less annoying one. He is like a puppy : I ask him not to be around me, he goes away." She explained.
" You are evil... you- you can't play with peoples feelings like that !" I exclaimed
" Do you think I had a choice ?! You had one, yes, Maxon had thirty fives, he picked you and I honestly wonder why because you are even less of a queen than my damn maids ! But I didn't : I just picked the less stupid man ! I needed a husband. I wanted Maxon. But he picked you !" She shouted
*swear words*
" He f*cking picked you ! And now I have to live with this f*cking idiot of a husband all my life !"

I gasped at her words and at the way she thought of her husband.

Frederick was so sweet and smart and she couldn't see that because she was too jealous and self centered.

Unfortunately, I wasn't the only one who gasped.

I turned around slowly to see from who the sound came from.

When I finally catch who it was, and they were two, I saw the last two persons Daphne would have wanted to hear everything she just shouted in the hallways.

And I am pretty sure they heard everything.

Drammma !!!
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