Chapter 10

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Kimo's POV

Becky leaned against the fence outside the fast-food restaurant, her eyes fluttering closed as she took a long drag from her cigarette. Smoke huffed from her lips as she exhaled before she turned to face me. "How's Connor?"

"I'm not sure."

"He only found out yesterday about how bad his accident was. Give him some time." Becky's words were firm but her eyes held compassion and warmth.

Connor and I had cried for a long time after he'd come out of his coma. I'd held him close and repeated that everything would be okay and that we would get through it together, but my words didn't seem to help.

When he had finally stopped crying, he stroked my cheeks and told me that I should go because it was getting late and he wanted to be alone. As much as it had pained me to leave him, I left.

I watched through the crack in the curtains as his face contorted and fresh tears sprang from his eyes seconds after I'd left. My aching heart had begged me to go to him, but I couldn't. I knew he had wanted space to grieve on his own.

"I just want him to tell me what's going on in his head." I pouted and kicked a small rock into the dumpster. The loud pang rang through the air, and I sighed as I plopped down onto an upside-down crate nearby, cradling my face in my hands.

Becky released another puff of smoke. "You know Connor. He'll tell you. You just need to be patient and support him."

I had called Connor as soon as I returned home yesterday, and he had declined my call but texted me to ask if I had gotten home safely. I had tried again earlier this morning, but we had barely spoken two words when some doctors interrupted us so that they could take him to run some more tests. It was evening now and I still hadn't had one full conversation with my fiancé.

"I know, I'm just worried. What if Connor retreats back into his shell? What if he reverts to his old habits of not wanting to rely on anyone and pushes me away?"

From the corner of my eye, I saw Becky extinguish the end of her cigarette on the side of the dumpster before tossing it inside. She then grabbed another crate, flipped it upside-down down and sat next to me.

"I know you're worried, Ki, but you and Connor have been through a lot. You'll get through this." Becky draped her arm over my shoulders. "Even if he does start to pull away, you've been patient and inspired him to be confident and love himself before, you can do it again. But it's been less than twenty-four hours since he found out, so give him time. Do you remember how much of a mess you were for the first few days he was in the coma?"

I sighed and leaned my head on her shoulder. Like my guiding light bringing logic and reason into my life, she had once again managed to calm my nerves and quiet my mind. I had gotten so used to Connor being open about his feelings in recent years that I wanted him to talk about everything now, but this had been a drastic change that he had never expected, and he needed more time to process everything. I needed to be patient. "What would I do without you?"

She giggled and squeezed my shoulders. "I know, I'm the best."

"The very best," I replied with a giggle.

Becky's phone pinged and she released a little squeal a few seconds later. "Behzad will be here in three minutes! He said he's at the traffic lights."

I watched as Becky pulled out a brush and ran it through her wavy, auburn hair. She then pinched her pale cheeks, bringing a rosy red colour to them before smoothing her eyebrows and applying some red lipstick.

She turned to me with a bright smile and raised her eyebrows. "Hmm?"

"Woah! Megan Fox, is that you!"

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