Chapter 1: A Hellish Life

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{Maggie's POV}

Watching my daughter get taken away by the government hurts me to even think about. We weren't a happy family, but when they took her away, they fucked up badly. At that exact moment, I wanted to run up to them and beat the shit out of them. I heard her cry for help, we couldn't do anything. After she wasn't the same, now we have this mask on, covering our faces so we can act like "everything is fine", yet it's not. It will never be "fine", yet people believe that for everyone.

Before they took her away from us, me and Sam would argue over the smallest things, not knowing how badly it was damaging our family. Now since they took her away, we haven't talked about her in a few years. Still argued at times, but never mentioned her. Knock Knock. I look over to the door, I see the government, the same bastard that took my daughter away. I answer it. "Hello?" "Hello there Maggie!" The government talks to me, I didn't want to keep them outside so I let them in, I ask if they want a drink, they said yes. Once I go to the kitchen, I'll look for some poison or something to kill them with, for payback, for karma, for everything they've done. Haha....hahaha...hahahahahahahahahah! I didn't do that. I walk out to the kitchen and see them sitting there. "Here's your drink!" "Thank you, Sweetie." I'll slit your throat if you call me that again. "Hehe..., your welcome, sir." They talk to me about this "game". "If you win this game, you'll get your daughter back! And hey, maybe you'll smile more! Haha!"
"Hehe....yeah." Slit. His. Throat. The only words I heard while the government was there. I never did it, but I wish I did.

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