Chapter 4: Dinner Problems

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{Bob's POV}

My wife comes back happy and a bit sad. "Babe..what happened?" "We are having a dinner party tomorrow night." "W-what? What do you mean 'we are having a dinner party?!" "The girl who is our neighbor is really cute, so we are having her and her husband over." She seemed ticked off saying "husband". "What time?" "6 pm, sharp." "Babe..they just got here, shouldn't they have time to get used to their home?" "Well we were thinking that you and her husband, Sam, can hang out while me and Maggie hang out at her place. You boys would be here." I didn't want to argue with her. "Ok."

[The Night Of The Dinner]

{Linda's POV}

I was with Maggie, we were making food for the dinner, we decided to have it at her house since we are already here. There wasn't much here and it wasn't a problem really. When we got the boys to come over, they were chatting up a storm. It was going well, it was nice, then out of no where, my shit husband just blurted out "Hey Linda, maybe you'll find it better with Maggie than me," then walked away. We ended up leaving as the silent night fell into place, the one thought remains in my head, am I making a mistake? He stars were brighter than ever, as the dark night shaded the houses with it's thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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