Logan And The Big Blue Engines

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One morning at Vicarstown a small blue and yellow tank engine pulled into its big station. He was intruiged by the sights.
"Well, we're here!" He smiled.
The Fat Controller then strolled over to great him.
"You must be Logan, my new tank engine, welcome to Sodor, I am Sir Topham Hatt!" He beamed.
"Pleased to meet you Sir, I heard I'm to work at the coaling plant?" Logan replied politely.
"After you have a bit of experience shunting in the yards at Knapford. " The Fat Controller added. "I'd like you to go there now, Rosie will show you what to do when you get there." He turned and walked away to his car.
Logan steamed eagerly away.
The little steamie was soon hard at work and have Rosie a run for her money! She was very impressed.
"This yard is even more efficient with you here!" She complimented.
"Cheers Rosie! Anything else that needs doing?" Logan smiled.
"Could you fetch Gordon and Edward's trains please? I have to fetch a train for Murdoch." Rosie requested.
"What trains are they collecting?"
"Edward is collecting some trucks of bubble liquid for a carnival at Cronk and Gordon is collecting some coaches to be put in storage at Crovans Gate."
"I'm on it!" Logan replied and scampered away to fetch the trains.
When Edward and Gordon arrived they were reversing into the yards so Logan couldn't tell which engine was which!
"Erm..." he muttered. He didn't want to be rude and interrupt their conversation so guessed who was who.
He gave Gordon the trucks and went for the coaches. Gordon steamed away completely unaware of the mistake!
Edward didn't notice since he was speaking with Stanley.
Logan then shunted the coaches behind Edward.
"Here are your coaches Gordon. " he smiled.
"I'm not gordon," Edward corrected, rather surprised, "I'm Edward. "
Logan suddenly realised his mistake!
"Oh no! I must have given your trucks to Gordon! What should we do?" He blushed.
"I could catch up to him." Edward suggested.
"I'll do it! I must make this right! I'll be back with your trucks soon Edward!" Logan assured and steamed swiftly away to catch up with Gordon.
"Take care!" Edward called.
Logan rattled along as quickly as he dared.
"Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Oh, I hope I'm not too late!" He panted.
Meanwhile Gordon was confused, he had had to slow down due to his load shaking, which nobody realised were Edward's trucks. Bubbles then floated from his trucks to Gordon!
"That's funny... where are those bubbles coming from?" He gasped.
He then heard a frantic whistle as Logan drew alongside with Gordon's coaches!
He smiled sheepishly at the surprised big engine.
"Ohhh the indignity!" Gordon groaned.
The pair soon stopped and Gordon was given his coaches and Logan coupled to the trucks.
"Sorry Gordon! I thought you were Edward because you were facing away from me and I didn't want to interrupt your conversation." logan sighed.
Gordon sighed as he saw Logan's sad expression.
"It's alright... Logan was it?... thank you for getting my coaches to me, for a diesel you're a truly useful engine!" Gordon smiled.
"Actually Gordon, I'm a steamie, not a diesel, my funnel is rather small so you aren't the only one to make that mistake." Logan chuckled.
"I'd best get going Logan, see you later and welcome to The Island Of Sodor!" Gordon smiled and steamed away.
Logan returned Edward's trucks to the shunting yards and Edward took them to the carnival at Cronk station.
Logan felt pleased with his first day and couldn't wait to start work in the coaling plant.
But that's a story for next time...

Thomas And Friends: The North Western Engines Series OneWhere stories live. Discover now