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Everyone hates me.
Well lucky you.
I hate you too.

I am the thing that keeps you from sleeping.
I am the thing that scares you most.

I mar your existence
I bar your persistence
I suffocate your every step
I fluctuate your every thought
I stop your heart while it keeps beating
I chill your blood while it keeps boiling
I make your life a living hell
I make your room a makeshift cell
I make you fight for every breath
I make you think you're close to death

I drive you mad
"It's not so bad"

But oh sweetie

I'm not done.

I push your friends away
I cause your ties to fray

I make your insides rot
I make your stomach knot

You shake
You shiver
You cry
You whimper

I simper

When I leave you for just one day
You celebrate that I didn't stay
When I choke you half to death
You fight for every breath

I laugh as I watch you wither

You know who I am!

So why are you bitter?

I am anxiety

So go pretend to look away
Go pretend you're fine.

It's so much more fun that way.

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