Dangerous Wishes

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Here, my friends is a story
One that is a bit gory
But also full of glory
You may need the words I have
Or maybe in the future
I beg you still to hear me out
Before you start to doubt

Once there was a girl
Who liked to dance
She spun and liked to prance
Her fame spread far
Her name was known
She was once adored
They doted dolled and drove her mad

She told a friend
Who told a friend
Who told a boy
Who told a girl
Who told a friend
Who told her mother
That she wished to not be her

Then one day
She made her wish come true
She snapped her angel legs
Then she knew she was a fool
All she could do was rue

Rue the wish she made
Rue the day she made it
Curse the lips that sang it
Curse the soul that did it

She cried
She prayed
She whined and plead
God saw her pleas
But he refused
She wished and prayed to change
She promised to be good

Her words had lost their meaning
Her heart could not keep beating
For all her whines and pleas
Only the first was granted

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