World 9: Home

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            Mario, Luigi, and Princess Toadstool traveled from world to world

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Mario, Luigi, and Princess Toadstool traveled from world to world. All the while the princess used her magic and heal her worlds, reversing King Bowser's dark spell. The Toads returned from their bricks in great numbers, happy to move about freely again. Color returned to each world, and each fortress in turn was repaired to their former glory. Great staples of Mushroom Kingdom architecture, though still made up of red brick, the interiors were restored without lava pits, and the matte silver shone with a polished steel shine. And after all was said and done, finally they returned to the first world of the Mushroom Kingdom, and stood before the King.

This world too returned to it's former glory, Toads happily cheering in the throne room and through the halls and the courtyards of the castle. They set to putting their world back in working order, but Mario, Luigi, and the princess stood before the King.

"Thank you," the King sobbed as his daughter came to greet him at last. "Thank you brave heroes for returning my daughter to me! For saving my people! For everything! Thank you so much!" The King was in tears, holding his daughter in his arms.

"Don' worry 'bout it," Mario bowed. "Yer daughter did most o' th' hard work in th' end anyway."

Princess Toadstool pulled away from the King. "I could not have healed our lands without you freeing me. You were brave to travel through those worlds unknown to you, and face a King of such power. You have my thanks as well." She bowed to them, smiling just as kindly as ever.

"You asked for me to return you home," the King said. "I can do this, but tell me; is there anything else you desire? For you, I would grant it."

Mario and Luigi looked at each other, but there really wasn't much that they wanted. There was nothing really for them here. They weren't in this for the money, or the fame or glory. They had their mom back home, and decent work to get back home to.. But having been witness to a certain miracle, there was a question on Mario's mind. They turned back to the King.

"Our pops died not too long ago," Mario said, not sure exactly how to phrase the question. "That magic green mushroom brought Lu back, and your daughter-- princess-- brought me back. I don' know th' extent o' this power, but..."

Princess Toadstool frown. "You were both only dead for moments, your spirits near enough to you bodies to be brought back."

The King nodded in agreement. "I'm afraid, if your father has been since before you arrived here... It would be much too long. I'm deeply sorry."

"S'alright," Luigi waved it off. It was clear by the way he wasn't looking them in the eye that he'd expected more, and suddenly Mario regretted asking in the first place. "We knew it was a long shot anyway. Fuggedaboutit."

"We, really just wanna go home, yer highness," Mario said.

"It's been a long trip," Luigi agreed. "An we got a mother t' get back to."

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