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Sam stood at the sink in the kitchen sorting through some packets of seeds for a garden. It was pouring rain outside. The drops splattered against the window. More like pelted the window. He could hear dad shuffling through papers at the table behind him. He scratched at the rash that finally formed on the palms of his hands. Dean never found anything to soothe it.

"I almost fell down a well yesterday, dad," Sam said to break the silence. John kept shuffling through his papers.

"Uh-huh," he grunted. He was too far down the rabbit hole to comprehend what his son had just said. Sam decided to test the waters further.

"I would've died," he said irritably. Sam began to line up the packets of seeds on the window sill, leaning them against the glass.

"That's nice," John muttered. Sam turned to the kitchen after he finished lining up the seed packets. He was sure dad had barely looked up from the lore and newspaper clippings scattered across the table.

"Soooo, can I go out?" he asked daringly. He was going stir crazy while dad and Dean worked on this case and wouldn't allow him to know anything about it. If they didn't want his help, then he needed something else to do.

"No Sam. Rain makes mud, mud makes a mess," John finally responded. He never looked up from the table as he spoke though.

"Dad! I'm bored!" Sam argued. John finally looked up from the table, though not exactly directly at Sam.

"Sam! I don't have time for you right now and you still have unpacking to do. Lot's of unpacking," John explained. Sam almost wanted to laugh about the unpacking. He knew they wouldn't be staying for long enough to unpack. He crossed his arms.

"That sounds exciting!" he said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. John ignored him and continued to read. Sam gave him a brief chance to say something else, but it was obvious he wasn't going to. Sam left the kitchen and headed down the hall to look for Dean.

Sam opened the door to the study to find Dean cleaning the guns. He too was in the zone and tuning out all surroundings.

"Hey Dean," Sam greeted. Dean looked exhausted. "How's the hunt going?" Dean kept working. Sam was being ignored again. "Dean!"

Dean finally noticed Sam was in the room. He kept working, but acknowledged his brother's presence.

"Hey Sam," he said. He rubbed his eyes and moved to the next gun.

"Do you know where the garden tools are?" Sam asked. As if Dean would know that, but they weren't allowing him to have weapons to protect himself with so he might as well make his own. They were both sure though, that any garden tools on the property were most likely out in the shed.

"It's pouring out there, isn't it?" Dean asked. It was lucky for him that it really was down pouring because it was a good excuse to give Sam to keep him inside. It made Dean's job easier. Look out for Sammy. The closer he was, the easier it was to keep an eye on him.

"It's just raining," Sam pointed out. Dean kept working on cleaning the guns.

"Mmhm, what'd the boss say?" he asked.

"Don't even think about going out Sam Winchester!" Sam mimicked dad the best he could. Dean almost laughed, but he didn't look over at Sam to prevent himself from cracking.

"Well then you won't need the tools," Dean told him. Sam groaned with frustration. He was about to walk out of the room and close the door behind him, but when he pulled on the door it creaked. He looked over his shoulder back at Dean who didn't look up from his task. Still craving the attention, Sam decided to consistently creak the door until Dean broke his concentration.

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