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Sam lay in bed in one of the upstairs bedrooms on top of his sleeping bag. The rash was still flaring up on his hands. He couldn't help but scratch at it until it was mostly relieved. Then he turned off the light and tried to fall asleep.

Hours later, Sam woke up to what sounded like mice or rats squeaking. He leaned over the edge of the bed and checked underneath, because that's where it sounded like it was coming from. He pulled back up when a mouse darted towards his face. Sam watched it make for the door and wiggle its way underneath it and out of the room.

He decided to go an follow it. Sam got up from the bed and opened the door. He looked around for the rodent to see which direction it went. Then he heard it squeak again. He turned his head in the direction of the sound to see the little mouse sitting there at the end of the hallway as if it were waiting for him. It turned and started bouncing down the stairs. Sam went after it.

He followed it to the living room where he had found the creepy doll that looked like him. The hallway light illuminated only a portion of the room. The rodent had disappeared into the shadows of the old furniture that had been left behind by the previous owners. Sam listened carefully for the squeak again.

The mouse sounded off and caught Sam's attention. He saw it crawl out from under the couch and dart across the room towards the little door he and dad had discovered earlier that day. Sam was sure he'd have it cornered because he knew the little doorway was bricked up. He ran across the room in pursuit of the mouse that squeezed into the crack of the door. Sam slid into the wall and quickly wrenched the old door open.

What he saw on the other side was not a wall of bricks like before. There was a faint blue glow and even a small gust of wind. He opened the door wider to see what was there. It appeared to be a tunnel stretched across to another little door like an accordion. The mouse continued to bounce its way to the other side. It went through the other door.

Sam didn't think twice and crawled inside. He followed along the fun house tunnel and focused on the other door. He was curious to see what was on the other side. When he got to it, he pushed the new door open and crawled out into the house's living room.

"Huh?" he said in confusion. This living room was more put together. The furniture wasn't old and dusty. The mantle had a collection of snow globes on it. Even the portrait above the mantle was different. The same little boy in period clothing, but happier and he didn't drop his ice cream cone. Sam looked at the portrait and tried to remember if that's how it always was.

Before he could determine that something really wasn't right here, he could the scent of roasted chicken. He was still hungry and this smell triggered his stomach to growl. Something smelled really good and it was better than the dinner he had with dad and Dean. He turned to the doorway of the living room and saw the light from the kitchen on.

As he walked toward it, he could start to hear a woman singing. The smell of whatever she was cooking was getting stronger. Sam walked through the dining room and moved the sliding doors that led to the kitchen. Just like the living room, the kitchen was fully functioning. Herbs hung from the curtain rod above the window. There was a real table and chairs that were not the kind that fold. Even the lighting was warmer, friendlier, more inviting.

The singing woman was standing next to the stove. Her back to the door. She was mixing something in a bowl. There was something familiar about her, but Sam couldn't quite place it. It was when she turned around that he realized why.

"Mom?" he said. He had only ever seen a picture of her. Blonde hair, big smile, but the woman standing across the room had something off about her eyes.

"You're just in time for supper dear!" she said cheerily. Sam was still trying to process how this was possible. Then he was able to focus on what was so strange about her eyes. They were buttons. He realized he was in a bad situation.

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