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Once Sam closed the door, the self destruction slowed down. Only the wallpaper peeled itself. He hugged the backpack with everything in it, including the cat, close to him as he walked down the hallway to the living room. That was where he saw the glowing green light emulating from. Where else would the Beldam be?

The living room had now completely changed. The furniture still in the shape of bugs and insects, but more elegant. The chandelier resembled a spider, but with six spindly legs instead of eight. The drapes were now red and created a hollow silhouette of a shadowy creature with horns, the curtains underneath being black. And the walls showed an interesting and unique pattern that looked familiar but Sam couldn't quite place what it was or where he knew it from. He crossed the room and around the couch to find the Beldam in her true form sitting there waiting for him.

"So," she began. "you're back. And you brought vermin with you?" She pointed out the cat with a long needle finger. Sam was still processing her real appearance. The cracked porcelain face with buttons for eyes waited for a response from him. He stepped back with a protective arm over the cat.

"No, I brought a friend," he said. The Beldam stood up from her perch on the couch. It was then that Sam noticed she had more than two legs, though they were covered by the dark gown draped over them.

"You know I love you," she said. A hand made of sewing needles caressed the side of Sam's face. He cringed at their touch and a shiver went down his spine when he imagined what it would be like to have buttons sewn into his eyes.

"You have a very funny way of showing it," Sam pointed out. The Beldam spun around proudly. In the green glow from the fireplace her arms looked more like insect legs. She clasped her needle hands together.

"So, where are they?" she asked. "The ghost eyes." The Beldam reached her hand out for the prizes that Sam had collected. He reached into his backpack and took them out to show to her. She tried to take them from him, but Sam pulled his hand away just in time.

"Hold on!" he stopped her. "We aren't finished yet, are we?"

"Noooo, I suppose not," the Beldam huffed. "After all, you still need to find your old family. Don't you? Too bad you won't have this!" The Beldam revealed the stone Sam had lost in the battle upstairs. It twirled around one of her needle fingers before she tossed it into the fire and chuckled.

"Be clever Sam!" one of the ghost children called to him. Sam looked down at the ghost eyes in his hand. They were glowing again. "Even if you win, she'll never let you go!" He tucked them back into his backpack and then he noticed the small door that connected the two worlds hidden behind the wardrobe.

"I already know where you've hidden them," he told the Beldam matter-of-factly.

"Well," she said, tossing her hands in the air. "Produce them!"

"They're behind that door," Sam said, pointing towards the small door.

"Oh they are, are they?" she whispered. The Beldam walked over to the small door, shooing the wardrobe out of her way. While she was distracted, Sam stepped over to the mantle and found the snow globe he was convinced contained Dad and Dean. He was about to reach for it when the Beldam began to cough loudly. He stopped and saw that she was coughing up the key she had swallowed earlier. There was hesitation and Sam was worried she knew what he was up to.

"Go on, open it," he encouraged her. "They'll be there." The Beldam smirked at him maliciously, then stooped down to insert the key into the lock.

"You're wrong, Samuel," she sang as she turned the lock and pulled the door open, revealing the dusty, cobweb-ridden tunnel back to the real world. "They aren't there."

"Now, you're going to stay here forever," the Beldam declared. She raised a spare needle in one hand and a spool of thread in the other.

"No I'm not!" Sam shouted at her. He pulled the cat down from the mantle and threw it across the room at the Beldam. The cat howled out of fear and began to claw at the eyes of the monster. Sam quickly grabbed the snow globe from the mantle and shoved it into his backpack. The cat ripped the button eyes off of the Beldam and got away from her, but this only made things worse.

"You horrible cheating boy!" the Beldam growled. She stomped one of her legs and the floor suddenly came out from under them. It sank down and opened like and accordion stretching. Sam suddenly remembered where he had seen the pattern on the wallpaper before. A spider's web.

The Beldam's cryptic, spindly body dove down at him from the top, screaming with glee on the way down. Sam rolled over to the side of the web just in time. The Beldam landed in the center, but not on her prey.

"No! Where are you!?" she hollered. Sam realized he had an advantage. She was blind now and could not see him. "You selfish brat!"

Sam climbed the web back to the top where the door was as quickly as he possibly could. Along the way his backpack got caught, as the strings of the web were sticky. He managed to pull it free, but it caused the whole web to shake and helped the Beldam determine where he was located. She began to climb up after him.

"You dare disobey your mother!" she growled. Sam made it to the door, but before he could close it, the Beldam was close behind and ready to drag him back into her web. He kicked her blank face to push her back, but it wasn't enough. They wrestled with the door for a few moments until the ghost children arose from Sam's backpack and helped him pull the door shut. It took just a little more force to get it to close, taking off one of the Beldam's hands in the process. Sam picked up the key and quickly locked the door.

The Beldam slammed on it from the other side. Like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum inside their room, she she screamed and pounded her fists against the door. Sam desperately crawled back toward the real world.

"Don't leave me! Don't leave me! I'll die without you!" The Beldam wailed. Sam got to the other side and slammed the other door shut. He took the key and locked that too. One more tremor of the wall from the Beldam and then silence.

The Beldam (A Supernatural Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now