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Harbour city was city of wisdom,truth,trust and honesty but these things tore when several mafias were formed. They destroyed the beauty of the harbour and covered the whole city with darkness. Emma willson graduated from her high school. She is now graduating from psychology. When she was at her first day of college she was distracted by some bullies. They took her bag and start to pass the bag. When she took her bag from them, one of the bully got angry and pushes her,she fell on the ground suddenly a boy vaibhav bisht helped her. He knocked out one of the bully,everyone who was with bully ran away. Vaibhav helped her to get her up and left. She asked his name but he didn't reply and left. She was sacred but more angry. She started learning self defence. After 6 months she went harbour for vacation. Driver came to pick her up. She landed and when she was coming out of airport she saw 2 men were harassing a girl. "Stop it or else i will force you to stop", said emma to 2 mens. "You will stop us?", asked two men and started laughing, they took emma for granted, one of the men took out his knife, "lets finish her first", said one of the two men to emma. Emma knocked out 2 men under 5 secs. Driver saw this, Emma sat into her car and get drove to her home. Tom willson was very furious after hearing what Emma had done to those two men. "Emma! Why would you do that", tom asked emma furiously, "they were harassing a girl, i had to do that and if you were in my place you will also had done" replied emma. "I wouldn't because i would have knew that those 2 men were from mafia", said tom, "so what if they are from mafia it didn't mean that they can do anything", said emma. "Enough emma! You shouldn't had done that. Go back to your college you are not supposed to live here because of your behaviour and attitude, you not come to harbour until you get graduate",said tom. Emma was shocked after hearing this, she then quickly went to airport, bought the ticket and flew back to her college. Now she started learning martial arts. She started practicing her martial arts hardly. One day she was practicing martial arts. One man was standing near her was looking at her techniques. He got impressed and told her if she wants to learn more new and effective techniques, she can come to his adress. He gave her his adress and left. At 6pm she went to his house. He was going some where else and locking his door, suddenly one man tries to grab his key from his hand. When he was about to do that he get knocked by him. Then 4 men surrounds him, he knocked everyone under 3 secs. Emma was watching this silently. She got impressed by him. "Wooohooo! That was quick", said emma, "thats i want you to get learn because i see some potential in you", said the man. "So whats your name"asked emma, "my name is leechan",said lee. "Oh thats great",said emma. "So your training starts from now", said lee. Emma starts learning martial arts from lee. After 8 months she got the news that vince is dead.

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