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Please read this carefully as these things will be canon in this book, and I don't want to see anyone confused when one of these is mentioned in the story.

These headcanons will contain things such as sexuality.

I headcanon these things mostly for personal reasons, and because I like to see representation in my work. I thought about them very carefully and did research on all of the topics, but if I do get anything wrong please let me know.

I also may have had a little too much fun with these.

!THESE ARE ALL MY OWN OPINIONS! If you have other opinions on these, that is perfectly fine.

Kai is bisexual
He is attracted to men, women and non-binary people with a preference for women.

Kai is transgender (ftm)
Kai was Assigned Female At Birth (AFAB), but identifies as male. Nya was very supportive when he told her, and she even did extra work in their shop to save up money for his top-surgery. He already had top-surgery and is on Testosterone, but he hasn't had bottom surgery yet because they couldn't afford it. This makes him very insecure, and he gets a lot of bottom dysphoria, which leads to him over compensating.

Cole is gay
He is only attracted to men.

Jay is omniromantic
He is romantically attracted to all genders, but has a preference for men.

Jay is asexual
He has no interest in sexual interaction between people and doesn't feel sexual attraction.

Jay is bigender
Jay identifies as both male and female at the same time, and uses he/they/she pronouns. (This was originally him being trans masc, but since then my headcanons have changed).
(DISCLAIMER: bigender does not necessarily mean that someone identifies as both male and female. Being bigender means someone can identify as any two gender, for instance male and non-binary, female and non-binary, etc. Being bigender also does not mean someone identifies as two genders at the same time, it can fluctuate between them)

Zane is queer
Zane does not care about someone's gender. This could be classified as pansexual, but Zane preffers the label 'queer'.

Lloyd is questioning
Lloyd hasn't figured out what his sexuality is yet.

Lloyd is still figuring out his gender
He doesn't know what his gender is yet, but knows that it definitely isn't male, or at least not fully male. And honestly, he's just too tired to figure it out and just goes with genderqueer at the moment.

Nya is pansexual
Gender is not a weighing factor for Nya in whether they can be attracted to someone or not.

Nya is non-binary
Nya uses they/them pronouns.

Jay has ADHD
As someone who has ADHD himself, I think Jay having ADHD really fits his thinking process and the way he handles things.

Jay is colourblind
Jay is red-green colourblind, meaning he can't tell the difference between red and green.

Cole is partially blind
From the front of his left eye to the left, his vision blurs into black. At first this made him think he was a 'lesser' ninja, because he couldn't see enough in battle. Until he realised that him being the earth ninja makes him extremely connected to the earth, which allows him to feel vibrations and shifting in the ground.

Okay so now there will be some headcanons on things that I feel like happened/are happening to the ninja. These aren't very crucial to know for the fic, so if you want to you can skip them.

- The ninja have random late night party's. They just grab the car and drive while getting high and drunk while blasting music like 'parents' from yungblud, Zane being the only one sober most of the time to drive. Eventually they park in a random forest and just dance and party. They camp there and the next morning they go home. They always take a camera, too, and they have one wall somewhere in the monastery and Bounty where they put up the photos they took.

- Jay was hit by lightning when he was trying out his flying machine. This gave him a lightning shaped scar across his back, and clouded his right eye (this does not affect his vision). He thinks it's the coolest thing ever, and won't stop showing his scar off and keeps telling everyone the story of how it happened, even though they've already heard it a thousand times and beg him to please stop talking and go to sleep.

- When Kai first started forging, he had an accident when trying to quench a sword and cut himself right above his left eye. After Nya stopped yelling at him for being so stupid and how he could've lost his eye, they mended the wound as best as they could. It left a horizontal scar under his eyebrow.

- Cole has vitiligo. One of the spots is right on his hairline, giving him a white streak in his hair, colouring a couple of his dreads. The contrast of the white spots and his dark skin is also what pushed Jay to put Cole in his contacts as 'reverse cow'.

- Since Jay is red-green colourblind, he messes up Kai and Lloyd during missions quite often. This leads to a lot of confusion and him almost messing up their plans and missions a lot of the time.

- Lloyd goes on random midnight flights with his dragon to look at the stars.

- Lloyd still uses a nightlight shaped like a mushroom.


If you want to you can share your headcanons in the comments!

I hope you liked them, and remember they will be canon in this fic.

- Fox

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