Trapped in a windowless building

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If you value your sanity whatsoever put this book down................

Liz pov:

It was really chilly outside. I reached out for my blanket but all I could feel was cold hard floor, I woke in a panic only to find out I was in some dark unfamiliar  hallway. 

I looked around but I was partially blinded by the darkness, I cried out for my friends because as far as I could recollect I was walking home from school with them. "Liam, Megan, Oliver?". 

My panic started to escalate as no one answered. I stood up and stated to stumble down the hallway trying to find my friends, 

I suddenly tripped on something and fell I sat up grumbling only to find out it was a stretcher. 

I finally calmed down enough to comprehend where I was, It was a hospital I could tell by the wheelchair and the stretcher but the weirdest part was the hall way and the rooms had no windows.

 I opened a few more rooms just to be completely sure. The hallway was completely dark except the faint light coming from the little cracks in the ceiling

 The hallway was completely dark except the faint light coming from the little cracks in the ceiling

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"Liz?" i heard Liam's distant voice

"Liam?" I called carefully making my towards the voice

"Are you there?" he called back

I could hear his voice a lot more clearly now, As i was about to say yes a hand grabbed my mouth and whisked me into a room.

i looked around only to find it was a hospital ward it had a bunch of creepy drawings by children on the wall 


A familiar voice boomed in the room...


soo this is my first book if there are any mistakes or grammatical errors please do forgive me. I will try to upload often so keep tuned in for a bunch of scary adventures 

 I will try to upload often so keep tuned in for a bunch of scary adventures 

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